Day 5 still feeling anxious and tired

Last night was the worst yet for sleep, stomach feels a bit less painful but still a dull ache in the right upper stomach area, feel foggy brained and a bit agitated.I was drinking a bottle to 1.5 bottles 5 to 6 days a week, I have been doing this for the last 30 years I did stay booze free for 6 months from October 2018 to April 2019, I thought I would be able to moderate when I had my first drink, no chance I can’t have 1 or 2 drinks I have to have 8 +. This time I know I cannot moderate but I don’t know if I can beat the cravings and the constant thinking about having a drink I really want to stay alcohol free.


Welcome. You can do it. Because you are doing it.
There is loads of information in here to help new comers. Search up any questions you may have using the magnifying glass above.
You will find so many other people have and are going through the same thing
These feelings do go away given time.
Just keep going, concentrate on one day at a time.
And hang around here as often as you can.
This was my second home for quite a long time in my first year.


Thank you it’s good to know. I will keep reading the threads on this site to keep me motivated.


It only gets better as you know! Sounds like you have gastritis and enlarged liver. Remember, alcohol served no purpose and if you continue to drink you are putting yourself in grave danger.

I had gastritis several times and the same pain you are experiencing! It’s not worth it! At day 7 you will be over the worst of it… That’s the toughest. Next is finding a support system. Don’t underestimate support, otherwise you will find yourself on day 1 again.

We are here for you

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A bottle to 1.5 bottle of beer?

Hi Tess! Your story is remarkably similar to mine. I was drinking at least a bottle (if not more) of wine seven days a week for years and years. I hid it from everyone. No one knew, not even my partner. I was high functioning but always sick and disgusted with myself. I, too, had months of sobriety and then thought I could moderate. Nope!

Like Geo said, settle in here, get comfy, read some threads, and use that magnifying glass. Searching the keyword “wine” was an eye opener for me. It’s also how I found a book that helped me overcome the idea that wine is something relaxing and elegant—This Naked Mind by Annie Grace. Someone on a thread recommended it and it changed my attitude.

You might look into other quit lit—there are also sober podcasts. Many people here find AA to be an indispensable resource. I took a different path and lean more towards Recovery Dharma.

Whatever you do, keep reading threads and posting and most importantly, don’t drink!

I’m sorry you have those physical symptoms. Maybe protect your well-being by getting a check up? Other people here are more familiar with symptoms of withdrawal than I am and they can better support you in that area.

Glad you found us!


Welcome Tess. This forum has tons of information and amazing people to help you along the way. I spent a lot of time reading on here in my early days. I suggest you start with this link: New for 2020? Start here!
Also check this one out:
Resources for our recovery


Hi it’s been a bottle of wine or 1.5 of wine, thanks for your comments guys I really appreciate it. I have been reading lots today and I am feeling much calmer and positive just now, drinking ginger beer non alcoholic and reading the post a on here whenever the beginning of a craving starts.
I was diagnosed with a fatty liver in 2015 LIVER tests were normal my doctor told me I could have 14 units of alcohol a week spread out over 7 days , great I thought its ok I can still have a couple of wines a day if I want, but I dont have that control . It has put me off going to the doctors even though the pain got worse I am scared of what it might be. I have noticed when I stop the pain goes away today it feels so much better but I know I can’t keep on drinking.


1.5 bottles of wine in a good day 1

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Youre not alone on this . I have the same story .
Agree with @ Earlgrey_hot ; read the Naked Mind and Belle Robertson Tired of Thinking about Drinking . I read non stop and its really really helpful and kept me focused as it explained the biology behind the additiction . Lots of blogs and podcasts but above all , this wonderful site has kept me focused . Im now on day 35 ( early days ) but you can do it .
Stay here and carry on . You can do it :blush:


Thank you this morning day 6 I feel better than I have in a long time, I don’t feel the fuzzy hangover head and stomach ache has almost gone. I am still up and down emotionally like one minute I think yes I got this I can do it and I feel elated the next I feel a stomach sinking feeling of doom, but all in all I will carry on. The cravings have not been too bad yet I am going to put a face to my craving as the boss from the white walkers in game of thrones, I will think of my rejection of the craving as obsdian cutting the monster down. A bit far fetched I know but it’s what I’m expecting at some stage soon and I want to be ready.


Thats really great . You got through another day and evening , well done . It feels good , doesn’t it ?
Get a positive playlist together ( no depressing songs! ) put your headphones on and go for a lovely Sunday morning walk . Have a wonderful sober day x


Thank you Alexa is playing walking on sunshine :sun_with_face: xx

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Think of it however you like. Whatever gets us through.
People name the voice.
I used to tell mine to F off. vocally
Now the image I have is like a little head expectantly peeking over a wall then seeing it’s not going to win, going back down again.
Hope that’s understandable :rofl:


Yes it it is understandable I hope I can get to that stage. Thank you😁

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Yes , i love that.
Lol . My niece came to stay last weekend and brought me a thank you bottle of wine .
I had all sorts of advice about giving it away , chucking it in the bin or pouring it down the sink . I did none of those. Its sitting in cupboard with a very rude C*** post it note stuck on it :rofl:
I don’t associate with nasty Cs , so it can bloody well sit there by itself and be miserable. :grinning:

You will get to that stage. Early days is all confusion.
Life will even out the further you go.
Even though it doesn’t feel like it now.

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:joy::joy::joy: great idea I will do the same when someone brings us wine