Day four and struggling

I’m on day four and my friends, who don’t know I’m trying to stay clean, have asked me to go out for drinks tonight. I said no, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say I wasn’t thinking about it. I’m not able to get to an in person meeting but I’m definitely going to do an online meeting or two or however many I need tonight.


Perhaps you might wanna post on the main daily thread for support, @moderators ?

In today’s Sober time message it says: Sobriety is a journey, not a destination. If you want to change your reality, you have to change your mentality. Stay strong and make your reality :sparkles:
Meetings, this community is a great place for sobriety. Don’t get caught up in the thoughts of drinking. Get caught up in the life of sobriety. Godspeed on your journey. :rose:


Theres an AWESOME beginners AA meeting online every night at 8pm cst. They celebrate everyones day count and are super supportive. I highly recommend you check it out

And hey, if this isnt your cup of tea. Theres the intherooms app or the everything aa app with online meetings at all times of the day


My advice would be to be open and honest with your friends about it. If you want to be sober long term, they are going to find out eventually. If they are true friends they will be supportive and find something sober you can all do together. :blush:

Alternatively, I think the hard truth of quitting drinking is accepting that your drinking buddies arent going to stop drinking and you may have to accept that was the only thing you guys had in common… I had this happen with quite a few people including my sister who drinks a lot unfortunately…


I downloaded the everything AA app after reading your post @Cjp

I had never heard of it before! Thank you!

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Would your friends be supportive if you let them know you are trying to stay clean? I have had this happen a couple times over the past month and I finally just started letting everyone know that I am trying to stay sober. Some of my “friends” looked at me weird and didn’t truly believe me at first. Most are supportive.

Some avoid me. But if they are going to go out and drink I kind of need them to avoid me as much as that can suck at times.

You are at a good place. I love this community.


Way to go on turning down that offer. Smart decision. Other than meetings, is there anything that helps? Certain distractions? Self care? I found having a lost of activities really helpful, especially in early recovery


Doing all the right things on the early days. Meetings really helped me, and thank goodness for zoom! It gets so much better. Get that alcohol out of your system and protect your sobriety at all costs. Glad you’re here.


Great advice. I’m also worried about that- losing friends who I only had drinking in common with… then it hit me… what about the friends I lost along the way when it was ME who was the drinker and THEY grew up and moderated or stopped entirely? So… Ive already been there and there’s nothing to worry about- it works out in the end.


Oof. I never thought of it that way… :thinking: that is good point.

I have had conversations with friends who were also alcoholics and we would spend many drunk hours talking about how we would like to stop drinking some day. So, if you have any friends like that too, you may be an inspiration to them.

Youre absolutely right - taking care of yourself can only bring about good things


Hi this is the checking in daily thread :slightly_smiling_face: lots of use check in here daily :smiling_face: it’s a great way to meet more of us and stay accountable.