Day one check in

Currently hunkered down in my house the withdrawals are wooping my ass but I’m still determined to stay clean could def use some advice on withdrawals cause this shit sucks and it hurts


Welcome Alexander! :blush:
Glad you found us. The support on this forum is amazing.

It helps to include what you’re wothdrawling from in your post so others that went through the same can share their experience. Keep hydrated and don’t hesitate to reach out to a medical professional if it gets bad. And remember… this is the last time you’ll ever have to feel this bad again. Hang in there.


Welcome to day 1 of your sobriety journey Alexander!

You can do this and the feelings will pass. As others have mentioned - withdrawals may need medical attention.

This site is active at all times so reach out if you need to talk or just need support. The check in thread is the most active imo – give it a try to help stay accountable.

Checking in daily to maintain focus #58

I do hope your day has improved since you posted. :hugs:


Welcome! I hope you’ve been able to get some rest and stay hydrated.
How are you feeling now?


How’re you? Look forward to hearing how you did … if you made it that’s great, if you didn’t then your support group here can help. Take care @Alastorthego

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