Day one off the vape

No, not for alcohol. I still have 10.5 months there. Today, I’m done vaping.

I quit smoking 18 years ago. After that, somehow, I managed to smoke only occasionally until I had my last cigarette about 7 years ago. Since then, I’ve vaped off and on. I had been done with it about three years, then I relapsed for about the last month. And I didn’t even have any rationalization for it, I’ve been under very little stress during this time. I just like doing it. Oh, well, I’m done again now. :blush:

UPDATE: Well, that attempt didnt last long. :expressionless: I had a day and a half, then grabbed my husband’s vape yesterday evening. But I’m not going to beat myself up, it is what it is. I think we’ll wind up quittiing together once this vape is exhausted. He’s wanted to for some time, and says this one is his last. Plus, its much easier for couples to quit together, rather than one at a time. I’ll do it, I know I will.


Great decision, Erin! But you knew that already. Keep doing great things for yourself lady!

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F* nicotine. I kicked my horrible vape habit a little over a year ago and feel so much better. You can do this! Break free from the cycle and the habit. Yes you can!

The people on this thread helped me immensely.