Day one - support/withdrawal fear

Hi, I’ve been reading this forum for a few months but its’s the first time I’ve plucked up the courage to post.

I’d consider myself a functioning alcoholic. I manage my job fine and a large family (although not as well as the days I didn’t drink, never as on top of the housework etc as I used to be) but I drink every night, and often through the day on days off. It has impacted in ways I’m ashamed of, like spending days hungover instead of spending time with my kids and I feel so guilty about it. Nobody other than my husband (that I know of) really knows the extent of it and all of my social circle drink at various different levels, some socially some more. My husband drinks but not as much as me. I’ve actually had over the last 17 years probably around 8 years of total abstinence when pregnant and breastfeeding but things got much worse after a traumatic bereavement two years ago, at first I think it was a coping mechanism, then I think it became an excuse. I’ll never stop grieving completely so it can’t be a lifelong excuse. I did around 40 days sober last year (was aiming to do the hundred days sober challenge not for total sobriety) and caved at around day 40. Went pretty much straight back to old habits. I know it affects my mood and at the minute I feel pretty much rock bottom.

Today is day one. Last had a wine around 7pm yesterday. I’ve had a little cry this morning about how ashamed I am and all the self loathing stuff and I want to hold myself accountable and stop for good this time. I’d love any support that anyone can offer and any strategies people found useful. I’m worried about withdrawals though - I have a good knowledge of the symptoms, timeline etc and what to look out for and when medical help should be sought, but it scares the life out me. I was just wondering about the personal experiences of others? Is it as horrific as it sounds?

Apologies for the novel.


Welcome to posting on TS :sunflower:
There are several threads you can join to help you with accountability and connecting.
The daily check on thread is very active Checking in daily to maintain focus #69
Also the gratitude thread Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

To make a solid plan for your recovery and staying sober, this thread is full of pure gold and experiences What's YOUR plan?

Keep us posted how you are doing, vent away when you need it, ask, share :people_hugging: You are not alone and we are all together on this journey.
If you are worried about withdrawals, please talk to your doctor and consider medical assisted rehab. No shame, better safe than dead.

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Hi :wave: welcome! Well done on deciding enough is enough. That’s the hardest part. Admitting that you are powerless over your addiction. I’m so glad you found this safe place!! We are all in this together and together we are stronger! This is my only sober support and I come here everyday. I’ve just passed 5 years! I never ever thought I would be free I felt so hopeless. It takes work but it is possible to break free! Be very kind to yourself. Rest as often as you can and drink plenty of water. Be sure to have a few sweet treats and soft drinks in. Your body will be missing the sugar as there is tonnes in booze so make sure you have a nice sweet treat when the cravings come. Every time you say no to your addict voice you get a little bit stronger. Just don’t drink TODAY! Then tomorrow repeat. Lean on us, we got ya! :pray:t2::heart: looking forward to seeing you around on here :smiling_face:


Welcome! Congrats on making the best decision of your life!

For me, it’s AA and this forum. I walked into those rooms of AA thinking it was the last place I should be. Lo and behold, I found others just like me - hard working, career oriented, family people.

Wishing you the best on your journey!

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Thank you. I’ve a good friend who is a medic who I’ve confided in after reading your post. He thinks significant withdrawal is unlikely and sent me a link to CIWA. Almost 24 hours in and scoring a zero which is reassuring for now, fingers crossed it continues but still nervous about it.

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Approaching 48 hours and all good so far in terms of withdrawals, hope I’m not tempting fate but none so far. Some cravings but manageable.

At a family event this evening which I can’t/don’t want to miss for reasons I won’t bore you with and bracing myself for everyone asking why I’m not drinking. Haven’t really figured one out yet but expecting it to be tough. Wish me luck.

Thanks again for all the tips and pointers.


Welcome to the community and I’m grateful that you decided to post. You’ve made a huge step in connecting for support and working towards your day 1. This forum is filled with people who understand the struggle and can offer empathic support. Well done on your 48 hours – that is a hug step.

Cravings will come and they are worse when we are around the substance. If you must go - then have a escape plan. Also just have a place you can sneak off to when you need to breathe and just check in here for support. Keep a drink in hand (juice or soda) so others wont be tempted to ask you if you need a drink. If pressed - you can be honest that you are trying to go sober or you can say any of the following:
*on medication and can’t drink
*have a headache or stomach not feeling right
*have a busy early day tomorrow and need to be clear headed
*have to drive

Keep up the great work friend – ODAAT – it does get easier!


You’ve taken a massively positive step messaging the community. Shame, whilst we all feel it, is not really something you should let destroy your opinions of yoursekd, you, like me and others here, fir whatever readin, find life sober too much, we needed help, sadly , one drink turned into 100s , and you know the rest. I wish you luck and hope instead of shane, you feel oride in k owing You’ve taken control. Not everyone does, and it never ends well, but you have, and you really should be proud.


Welcome and keep my fingers crossed for You…truly believe in yourself, you can do it. What helped me most apart of reading lots of posts in this community, is to listen to podcasts and watch youtube videos on this topic. Then definately was having a plan - daily plan that help establish new routines in your life. Don’t underestimate any kind of movement - whether it is 1hr walk at faster pace or bike trip or anything in gym or exercising at home by taking inspiration from youtube. Take care, past is past, focus on presence.


Hiya. Nice to read your post. I’m early days too. I’m somehow on day 17 or 18. The horror of the 1st few days I never want to go through again. Just exhausted with all the fighting in my head and making myself feel guilty. Congratulations on you children and staying sober through pregnancy. That’s amazing. I have had a few deaths that definitely resulted in black out drinking and non stop crying until 3sm. The one I can’t get over is my Dad in 2019. I cry every day, he was everything to me. My boss, my best friend, my advisor, the person who loved me most, my fun in life, my drinking buddy, my stop drinking buddy, just everything. My life is very different now he is gone. While I still cry everyday I do get over it sooner than I did in the 1st few years and life has become more tolerable. Most definitely over the last 3 weeks with no drink I’m dealing with it a bit better. I’m sorry for your loss and wish you lots of luck. Did you say 8 pregnancies… thats a lot of you life given to other people right there you are anything but selfish, very easy to drink when stressed. I have one little boy and he is my main reason for giving up. The days I spent in bed instead of playing with him will hopefully never happen again. He is so much easier the last few days too… it’s me that wasn’t able for him.


17 days is amazing, well done!

Not 8 pregnancies lol, 8 years in total of pregnancy and breastfeeding, 4 kids. I only drank socially before the first 3 and maybe the occasional glass of wine at home. It’s the last 2 years I’d say it’s become problematic, mine was my Dad too, very suddenly. It’s horrific isn’t it, for the exact reasons you said.

Anyway I got through the evening ok, with the exception of first walking to the bar and ordering an orange juice it didn’t bother me much. Had a great night, slept like a baby and I’ve woken thinking what did I actually miss out on there other than a hangover? It’s a curious process isn’t it.


Well done @Sixfan your doing great. Remember odaat :ok_hand::heart: