Day Three ...seems harder today

Continuing the discussion from Checking In Daily To Maintain Focus #23:

Honestly… I thought it would be easier today back at work but it’s the opposite…feeling very irritable with everyone even though I prayed and mediated before work and woke up feeling bright and positive.

I am finding the positive messages on the app helpful but generally feeling a bit rubbish today.

Thanks for listening xx


Yes thanks for the reminder I need to drink lots of water …and stop eating biscuits xx

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Hiya, sorry your having a down day. It does get easier. I lived on biscuits in the early days, your body will be looking for the sugar so if ya fancy it have it! Tomorrow’s a new day, you’re doing great! :pray:t2::two_hearts:

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day 3 is like the hardest day ever if you can do this you can do anything. It’s does get easier trust me.