Day Two is a challenge

Hi all, I am a mom to one young human and 2 dogs/1 cat. I’m a wife. I have had a traumatic childhood, and since I was able to take that first sweet sip of alcohol as a teenager, it hooked me. Fast forward 30 years, and here I am. I’ve had many “rock bottoms,” but most recently was on July 3rd. We had a party here at our home, and the drinking started at 2 pm. As my recently sober friend said, and I quote, “Nothing good ever comes from day drinking.” Both my husband and I felt tipsy, but he has the magical switch to tell him to stop, and I don’t have that. Around 8 pm, he saw me getting another drink, and he tried to intervene. I screamed at him; all sorts of obsencities. It was bad. It’s been a rough year with my childhood trauma rearing it’s ugly head when my mom was diagnosed with cancer (not that I’m excusing my behavior; just providing context).

I am only on day 2, but the amount of shame and guilt is like a weighted blanket strewn across my shoulders. I can’t seem to stop tearing up/crying. I’m reading a lot of recovery stories and doing some journaling.

I’m grateful to have found this community. Thank you for reading.


Welcome Melissa.
Congratulations on day 2.
I glad you found us.
This magical sober community has been a key to my sobriety. That’s why I’m very active on here. I’m so grateful for this place.
Continue having a good read around. Join in when you’re comfortable. Getting and giving support and gratitude is vital for me to stay sober.
The lights are always on. Hope to see you around.

Here are two good threads.


Im so glad you found us! This amazing and supportive sober community has been very important in my recovery. This and AA, Finding a sponsor, and working the 12 steps has given me soooo many gifts of sobriety.

I hope you checkin often and share more when you are ready.


Thank you so very much. :heart: Means a lot.

Thank you so very much. :heart: Appreciated

I’ll chime in here and welcome you aboard. I’ve been here only a short while but it’s been such a great help to me. You won’t regret reaching out, no reason to do this alone. :heartpulse:

The shame and the guilt are always the hardest thing. Take it one day at a time. Stay strong. And thats awesome you made it to day 2!

Stick with it, the days really do get better. You never have to feel like that again if you don’t want to. I have felt that shame. :mending_heart: From now on just remember if you don’t pick up that first drink you can’t get drunk. Welcome.

One day at a time I’ve done a number of day sessions there great at the time but not good in the long run keep the head up I’m only day 8 so stick together we will get thru this