Derailment void / Off topic 2021 to present

Yeah well, we are all where we are at that’s for sure. I loved the not my job cuz it resonates so deeply for where I am at in my journey with the child I birthed 41 years ago and am estranged ish from. So it was a big thank you for that post from me. I am sorry it didn’t resonate for you where you are at and that today isn’t the best. Hopefully something else will land for you and bring some comfort or just hell yeah I been there too.


Thank you :slight_smile: I appreciate that. I am a very slow learning lol and it has taken a long time and alot of learning from a variety of sources to be where I am at today. But this right here… is why I appreciate what u do and why I love that u help others! U are a strong person and have alot of knowledge…but even the strongest people need support too and to know that they are heard and that there are people who care at all stages of recovery.

In the 12 steps they do say… we can only keep what we have by giving it away. Service is crucial for recovery. If I walked into a room and there was all newcomers (which I have actually been to… where the mtg was literally a bunch of us newcomers and the mtg was rough :flushed:… lots of war stories) anyway… I guarentee u I wouldn’t have gotten to where I am today. How would I learn from those that came before me? In the beginning I fought the “old timers” advice… thinking my way was better. But truly my best thinking got me here and it sure as hell ain’t getting me out of there lol. I owe alot of my recovery to people like urself that has paved the way for me… it just comes down to me being desperate enough to drop my ego and really listen. I’m glad ur here. U make a difference! And I hope that u are able to find the support u need for urself also. That’s just as important :slight_smile:


@StarSprinkle Sorry to hear about your son and your reaction. I wish I could offer some help. Sending you a warm hug. My spouse and I feel so helpless when we see the adult kids/stepkids and grands making poor choices. But I end up thinking about my past behavior and poor choices and that doesn’t help them. So, we try to just be very supportive. It’s so easy for me to go down the negative rabbithole regarding their decisions. Again and again, I remind myself they are on their own paths as I am. I have more life experience but it doesn’t mean as much to them as it does to me. Everyday, I try to become a better human being. Everyday, I’m faced with obstacles on that journey. Everyday, I confront the resentments that stare me in the face. I strive to overcome them and push on to make better choices now. So, I say to you, be true to yourself and know you are loved. Peace.:unicorn::unicorn::unicorn:


Human beings, probably all beings to be honest, are amazingly resilient. The shit that gets thrown at us, on top of the stuff we pile onto ourselves… I often find myself just thinking how amazing it is that everything keeps going. And we do. And like you say, things usually seem to turn out mainly alright.

Feeling afraid and feeling not good enough seem to be a big recurring thing for me, similar themes for all of us I guess. It’s reassuring to me in some ways that these keep coming up however many years/ decades sober we have. Makes me feel like it’s OK when I start struggling again with something I thought I’d learned!

@StarSprinkle I’m not quite following the issue with the responses you got to your message. I don’t have more sober time than you and I don’t have any children, but regardless it sounds like things are pretty shit with your son. That sucks. Hope things turn out alright soon, at least for a little while.


Here,here! Well said Rosa :+1:

I was ‘?derailed’ in my 1st week on TS and really didn’t even know what l was doing on the forum at that stage.

I would never have thought to PM someone,partly because l wouldn’t know how but now do it all the time with my faves!🪴🥰



I got your nomination :rofl::rofl::rofl:
It’ll waiting for you in the derailment graveyard 🪦


I’m already on my way 🚶‍♂️


Honestly now I think you would be great. Your literally the most stable thing in my life.


Hurry up Paul I’m on my lunch break lol :joy:


I’ll get back to you. I’m about to get derailed from here soon :grimacing:


Damn we just got flagged :joy::joy:


There goes our nominations :rofl::rofl:


Zebras are out in full force :joy::rofl::sweat_smile:


Yes, the above posts from the mod hunt thread were flagged by a member for being off topic.

Let’s please keep it on subject, everyone.


Damn I only got one flag before this in 2 and half year , @Dolse71 your bad news :joy::joy:


Eric I nominate you to sort this mess out😂


Thanks Paul :rofl:
I’m taking back my nomination.
Flags a flying :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


At least we can’t be off topic here, there is no topic


Whatever happened till just getting derailed

