Derailment void / Off topic 2021 to present

Oh!! What is the brand? I love ginger beer, hate the sugar content. :yum:


Ooo I don’t know if you will be able to get it where you are, in Australia we have a brand called Bundaberg which does great soft drinks!
Aldi also offer a sugar free ginger beer too, if you have Aldi where you are.


Australia has all the goodies!! :blush: Thank you, we just got an Aldi’s less than an hour away!

And your post really hit it for me as well. Especially this…

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With fresh limes on ice, enjoy!!

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Perfection with the limes!!

I moved our side convo here. :laughing:

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I don’t like saying it’s not a choice because that’s basically saying you’re not responsible. That means we can blame every which way because it’s not our fault. We are just like this. I don’t believe that realm of thinking. I believe there’s different levels or degrees of power of choice. But saying we have no choice means we can’t ever choose to change or be sober because it’s literally out of our control.

Having cancer isn’t a choice.
Getting drunk and killing someone in a car that IS a choice.

I have never understood that theory. I believe we can absolutely be weak and absolutely need help to combat our addictions and to flourish in sobriety as a choice but to single handedly say it’s not a choice means every person who’s an addict, who has killed or harmed or done something to someone or themselves under the influence has no accountability, no responsibility and gets off as a free pass. Because we didn’t choose to do it. We may be predisposed to addictive behaviors, etc, we have trauma and unhealthy coping mechanisms, our upbringing, mental health and such which can all be factors influencing and snowballing addictive behaviors and making bad choices.

So the drugs or addiction made me do it? Mmm. Kind of the verison of the devil made me do it.

It is a choice to get effective treatment for cancer.

The choice is not about having the cancer. It’s about seeking effective treatment.

Addiction is very treatable. The treatment is the choice. The addiction is not.


I guess understanding about mental health - two sides of the coin an individual’s personal choice, addiction itself is a mental disease rather than a continued choice. Perhaps I have been too hard on myself. Sigh. Ty for shining that light.


Gonna also update this to include medical advice. I know there are experts here on harm reduction, mental health, and probably actual doctors. However, it’s impossible for anyone to know if someone is licensed, trained, or possessing expertise. Take all medical advice with a grain of salt or shot of penicillin


I would add take all advice on TS with same caution!!


I get good sobriety advice from here. Also get good advice on running, making fluffernutter sandwiches (Iykyk) and shows to watch


Yes, but not all sobriety advice is good and there is also the whole pie vs cake situation. But if I digress further, it is derailment for me!


Can you elaborate on this pie vs cake situation?


It’s the discussion about whether or not to call a Chess pie a cake.
Or Something like that. :joy:


Your assumption of me being Most People would be incorrect.

I appreciate your wise words and always appreciate your posts.


Shhhh. I have a reputation to uphold :joy::joy:.

Seriously though. I don’t actively try to be an asshole, but sometimes I am abrasive or direct and sometimes it goes to hard. I think if you ask some of the og members here they’d say I softened a bit.


You have experience and long term sobriety. Direct is good in my book. Thanks for sharing and response.


You can be very direct for sure but theres individuals like myself (for example) that really benefit from that. I have always appreciated ur direct and blunt nature bcuz i personally needed to hear that, especially in early recovery. I was in dire need of help n needed to hear the harsh truth, being told like it is. So thank u


Cheesecake is pie


I’m going to need more evidence than a mere proclamation.
Both sides will need to resubmit their evidence for consideration.