Dude…you could should sell your foot-selfies to science. Psychotherapists can use them to cure foot fetishists seeking to be cured through aversion therapy.
It would probably shut this whole topic down in 5 seconds.
First time I saw them, I thought prosthetic makeup was involved, like for a movie… … and laughed.
We’d use Timbits here
Or touch off a debate about whether we need a new rule requiring socks and shoes, on a leg selfie.
…it’s like a deleted scene from “Shrek”
Well that’ll get the derailment thread back on track
I can hear the children running and screaming from the room!
Don’t some people find feet sexual ?
WTH is wrong with Derek’s feet? I’ve seen way worse.
I’m glad to have one defender
My dad is a retired veterinarian. Worked large animal for decades. Horse trampled his feet several occasions. They are hideous but still do their job. You show them bad boys off!
Love the fact that it’s already got two clicks
I will just say it isn’t only photographs that could trigger me to get loaded. Bringing up memories by engaging in the “Where was the craziest place you stashed your drugs” or" what was the stupidest thing you did drunk?" threads can be dangerous. So no you may not see people posting photographs of alcohol on this forum but that does not mean this forum is not LOADED with triggers for ALL of us. Not just sex addicts.
Oh yes, those topics definitely set me off thinking and glamorize drinking in a weird way…total ugh for me on topics such as those.
Create a poll to shut it down??
I’ve stayed quiet on this whole discussion but honestly it’s just so simple - if someone doesn’t like a thread, they can mute it just like with any other thread they find triggering, annoying or not beneficial for their recovery… ultimately only we are responsible for our own actions and surely responsible enough to know if something has the potential to rock our recovery, then we should choose to stay away from it
Polls are cool
I just clicked
Who has THE pic?