Derailment void / Off topic 2021 to present

I offered to be his Snapchat friend before but he never responded :man_shrugging:t2:


Maybe put a wig on and take a nice filter shot… you may get an add…:joy:


Dont feed the trolls… :wink:

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You worked in advertising your whole life. I’d love to see a 6 year old pitching an ad campaign.



Great! Now I have the Trolling Saruman stuck in my head :unamused: :rofl:



If you can stop drinking why do you still do it?


I enjoy it and can do some responsibly.
I do not over indulge and have learned that skill. That was much harder than abstaining, for me.

Have you ever abstained long enough to know? Or is it just convenient to say that because it’s easier than stopping? What happens when you slowly start drinking more and more often, or have one bad night and get wasted?


I have months for months. I learned that what works for me is not to avoid the drink but to avoid drunkenness.
And this is probably not a popular opinion but I don’t believe complete abstinence is beating an addiction to specifically alcohol or tobacco. Controlling yourself around whatever that “” is. And this is specifically for me and my journey, this is not a recommendation.

Hey there…congratulations on finding something that works for you❤️
This is a sobriety forum though and not a moderation forum. Just know that the dream of being able to moderate is dangerous as hell for an alcoholic. When we mention it on a sobriety forum there is the possibility of others putting themselves in peril trying to accomplish something that is impossible to an alcoholic. Be well.


To be honest, this isn’t the right place for you. That’s great that you can do what you can do, but we can’t and we aren’t willing to try, again. There may be some moderation related forums or subreddits that might better fit your needs.


Thanks, Dan, and @ELY83, as well. Polite civil discourse is a skill I’m still developing. Disagreeing without being disagreeable, thanks to you both for demonstrating to me how it’s done, and speaking for me when I could not speak for myself.


I’m not advocating for moderation just giving an opinion on a post with a personal experience.

You’re opinion is solely based on your own experience, undermining the basic principle of this forum and all here. I’m with @Dejavu in saying this is not the right place for you.


This is a forum for sobriety, so maybe it’s not suited to your needs?


Moved to derailment void if people want to continue the conversation.

A reminder of the relevant bits of the forum rules (and link to the full rules, for anyone who isn’t already familiar with them) -


No one is talking to you. I simply posted an opinion and then was asked to answer a follow up question in which you all seemed to jump on… I even said it’s not a recommendation for moderation.
I will continue to post and give my opinion, which tho different from yours is no less valuable.

I think it’s because you said that abstinence isn’t the solution to addiction that people are getting concerned. This is an abstinence focused forum - as per the rules linked to above the focus of posts should be about how we want or are managing to stop using substances. Whether or not that was your intention to promote moderation, it appears to be how it has been taken.

There have been a number of conversations about it, everyone is of course entitled to their own opinion but personally I would have thought everyone’s efforts would be better directed at supporting each other in our sobriety rather than rehashing this topic.


Fair enough I will not post anything contrary to the rules.


I’m currently on a beautiful beach, playing with my kids. I don’t have to worry if I should have one or two drinks tonight. I’m not concerned with how close the nearest bar is. I’m here and I’m free. Now that’s sobriety!