Detox from alcohol

I was discharged from the hospital today after alcohol detox. I was admitted Saturday night. I had a racing heartbeat and chest pains. I thought I was having a heart attack, so I went to the ER. Thankfully, my heart is ok, and my liver enzymes were slightly high due to years of heavy drinking. This is it for me. I’m only 33 years old and I have a wonderful family who needs their husband and father. Day 2 no alcohol, and I have been doing just fine since release. I do think about drinking frequently, but I have chosen to by seltzers, good water with lemon, and komboucha. Thanks for letting me join everyone’s journey. Stay strong


Welcome to TS. It’s good you’ve realised you’ve got a problem with alcohol and it’s great that you’ve been sober since Saturday, we usually count how many days sober from your last drink.
Stopping drinking is easy it’s the staying stopped is the hard part. You can’t do this by yourself you will need help. Joining this community is a good start, but, I would recommend going to an AA meeting, there you will meet other alcoholics who are, or have gone through what you are going through. You can build up a ‘recovery network’ so you have people to talk to before you take that 1st drink, which is the 1 that gets you drunk. F2F meetings are the best, but, there’s online meetings; you don’t have to say anything or even have your camera on, just listen for the similarities and not the differences when members share their ‘experience, strength & hope’.
Here’s some links:

The only way I’ve managed to stay sober for almost 19 years is by going to meetings, getting a Sponsor and working the 12 steps, you might want to go down that route, which is a tried and tested method. Millions of recovering alcoholics, world wide, are using this to stay sober.
You mentioned your family, don’t stay sober for them! You need to stay sober for you and no one else, it is your recovery, nobody elses. Your family will reap the benefits of of your sobriety and so will all who know you, but, especially you will.
I wish you well & remember that you only have to stay sober for 24 hrs, take it ‘one day at a time’. :innocent:&:smiling_imp:


Welcome to the sober community. This place and aa are the reasons i have 11months free from weed and alcohol after 20 years of problem drinking.

Check in and read often


The thing about drinking is that it leaves us emotionally twisted, immature, and unable to imagine life without booze. Not drinking is required, of course, but is rarely sufficient for those of us who went down the slide of alcoholism.

To grow my sobriety, I used a bunch of tools, including medication, individual counseling, outpatient rehab and AA. Now I’ve found Talking Sober and participation here to be an important part of my “program”. Here is a thread full of ideas and one with a bunch of practical steps for early days.
You are welcome here! Blessings on your house :pray: as you begin your journey.


Welcome Brandon!

33 is young, stay stopped now and enjoy your life.

Think about how stupid it is to be admitted to the ER because you wanted to keep consuming a poison for fun! Take strength form that vision when the temptation to drink comes back. (I’m not judging, many of us have been in the same boat)


Good for you using that medical crisis as a wake up call. You’re in the right place.


Welcome to TS!

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I had the same thing sunday morning and night but no rehab! I had a bit of asthma and caffeine going on too. Bloodtest etc might be worth a check then hey? Liver was out? Any other signs may i ask please? Im 32 x


Reading stories like this give me hope in knowing someone understands. Proud of you! We got this!