Diary of a Drinky Kid

The last 60 chapters of my story have been written daily.

Sobriety is not measured by the number of days without a drink but by the actions taken daily to not drink.

My circle is smaller today than it was before but my support network grows with every new addition to this community.

The cuts from my circle have been necessary to make myself the best version of me. Negative influences are not what I need in my life.

Now I live my life and love my life. Each day starts with clarity, peace of mind and healthy thoughts. Living moments in the moment!

60 days and counting!


Amazing!! Congrats on 2 months!

:tada: :partying_face:

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Thank you!! :muscle:t3:

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Wow reading this from November and here u are now! This is so inspiring Richard. I’m incredibly roud of you :star_struck:

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Also… I just saw this post. Idk why i nevwr saw it before. This brought me to tears. Beautifully written :gift_heart:

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Thank you Dana,

I wrote it over a couple of days, thinking back on things and just making inner peace with myself. Letting go but trying to remember what life was like before it all went wrong.

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