Disappointment and emberasssd

Hello. I just want to introduce myself. I’ve been a long time drinker and has an experience tonight that really opened up my eyes to the the alcohol addiction that I did not know or did not want to accept, which was alcohol. I am ashamed what had happened and vowed that I will do my best to stay away from alcohol. I am rlly disappointed in my self…


What happened friend?

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Can’t comment much to it but it strained my currently relationship and put someone in harms way. Thankfully they are fine. But it opened my eyes up to what could of happened if the circumstances went the other way.

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Well thank goodness everyone is fine. Relationships can be healed. A life can’t be replaced. Sometimes we need a swift kick in the nuts to put us on a right path.

Hope everything gets better. Stay strong and keep moving forward.


It will be !


I appreciate your words. Thank you.

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We’re all here for you! And I’m sure we’ve all done insanely embarrassing things while drinking… Most important thing to do is to realize it’s time to walk away from it


I remember well that sickening feeling to the stomach. It really can be the last time you ever feel like that. There are plenty of people here who will support you.


Welcome Winston :orange_heart:


Welcome Winston. I think every one of us here knows that feeling. Where we realize we’ve put ourselves and our loved ones in harm’s way. Where we realize we’ve done something beneath us, something that is less than what we should be doing in life: we realize we put our relationship with our addiction, above our relationship with our loved one.

We feel shame and deep, deep regret.

The good news is you never have to feel that way again. Let me be clear: this is no walk in the park - but if you recognize that you need to divorce alcohol, and replace that relationship with something healthier (a relationship with nature, with healthy friends, with sober supports, with creative interests, etc etc) - if you work that, and make that happen, you never have to feel this ever again.

Here’s a list of reasons why sobriety rocks and kicks ass over anything booze brings us. I love this list; it’s one person’s, but so much applies to everyone. Scroll down a bit:

Here’s a set of resources, books, podcasts, and sobriety groups where you can learn:

Resources for our recovery

Here’s a list of online recovery groups so you can learn and get guidance - and safe places to be when you’re lonely or bored (and I promise you will be):

Online meeting resources

Get ready to learn. It’s an intense ride and it’s a real no-pain, no-gain thing (sorta like working out). But if you push yourself each day to reach out for help instead of turning to booze, you will make it.