Discussion of Political Memes & Politics

Not to mention we had to have a freakin’ WAR over it to get there.

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No no, none taken. I’m just pointing out why people vote for him…it doesn’t mean it’s right, they just have a very different and skewed mindset. He has a very strong and very large base who all think the same and it’s really scary.

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I got suspended from Facebook lololozzz


Same here 3xs and my most recent is till after election week and how convenient. Lol


Enter the lawsuits. Lawsuit 1 - Challenge to the Supreme Court over PA counting votes after election day that were received on or before election day. To me this is the clearest reach and least likely to succeed. Federal courts at all levels have given deference to the states in determining the results of the elections, which is a Constitutionally prescribed power. This is no different. PA is well within it’s rights to continue to count votes. Most states don’t even certify election results until the end of November. However, this is interesting in that trump still seems on track to win PA. Furthermore, this is the most obvious attempt at disenfranchisement since the 1960’s. The votes were legally cast and is attempting to toss them out. Scary stuff.

Lawsuit 2 - appears to be heading to PA Superior or Supreme Court regarding poll-watchers. Details are murky at this point as its all conjecture and I haven’t seen an official filing. I believe trump is attempting to stop the count until his poll-watchers are in place. I am not entirely sure what the PA statute on poll-watching is, but this suit may cause a slow-down in the vote getting. It’s also less frivolous than his first suit.

There also seems to be a voter ID law challenge here. Good luck buddy. Voter ID laws are routinely struck down.

Lawsuit 3 - Recount in Wisconsin. Too soon junior. A request for a recount cannot be made until Dec 1 as per Wisconsin Statute.

Lawsuit 4 - Looks to be one coming in Michigan as well. Stay tuned!


This thing was far closer than it probably should have been. Even the popular vote is closer than I would have anticipated


Lawsuit update #4. Trump is again suing for access to all vote counting/canvassing areas. I’m not entirely familiar with michigan law, but it appears the law is pretty clear of where poll-watchers can, and cannot, be. Regardless of the suit michigan has been called for Biden. Legal scholars seem to agree that his lawsuit will not change that.


Sorry to interrupt but it makes me really uncomfortable to see what is happening there. I mean this is like the basis of democracy that is being questioned here and after all that happened I am scared he can get somewhere with all this.
What is wrong with this man? He needs therapy. And more so, what is even more scary: he is just a symptom.

I hope, no I have to pray.

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None of theses suits have a snowballs chance in hell of sticking. What they do is get his base fired up and allows him to walk away muttering how his election was stolen rather than him losing it. Nothing more than the final act of a big tent con man. But as you can see by an earlier post in the thread, the ignorant and uninformed eat this shit right up. This isn’t a Bush v Gore scenario that is decided by a few hundred votes. The laws and procedures are clear. State legislators have the right to run an election as they see fit. Unless there’s a federal law question the district courts won’t even hear the cases.


The intimidation groups outside of the polling center in Arizona at the moment is ridiculous. These people think they’re “stealing the election from the president”. When reality, these poor people are just counting votes. The poll workers are being escorted out after their shift by police officers and taken away in vans so they aren’t followed by trump supporters. This is today’s America-be glad you don’t live here


I must say that I am glad. There is so much going wrong here in Germany, too. But at least I have the impression that political debate is still possible, sometimes constructive and so happy about our election system.

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I know what you’re trying to convey and I’m going to give you some advice because I want you to feel like your voice matters, and you are in the minority in this election day conversation. I also hope that I won’t be coming off as seeming rude in any way.

Try not to use ‘they’ when you’re trying to make your point unless you’re in a right leaning echo chamber. The thread for the last day has mostly been a left leaning echo chamber so it’s important to be more precise with your concerns because people will jump on vague statements, as you can see was done here.

As an independent with a lot of friends on both sides, I have experience in being a translator and helping teach opposite sides have conversations. Let me know if the following isn’t a good translation:

“I’ve watched a lot of the raw footage of Biden’s speeches and his interviews, and the amount of problems that I saw him have in communicating a lot of the times, including having to have his wife help him remember things, trailing off, and saying words that weren’t actually words have left me concerned that he won’t be able to finish out his first term. I don’t really like Kamala because I think she would be bad for the country because of the way she handled (this is where you would put in your reasons, since I don’t know your reasons or what to presume, I will leave it blank).”

Because a lot of left leaning individuals love Obama, if you’re going to bring Obama up, you need to have clear and concrete reasons why you don’t like Obama, otherwise you’re speaking over their heads. Preferably actions that were taken under his administration or executive orders he gave.

If you can use information that elicits an emotional response, this might also help get your point across in general, but specifically when talking to individuals who are more left leaning. Of course messaging targeted to both sides will have emotionally driven messaging, but I’ve noticed that the right tends to respond better to facts (which leads to the trope about people on the right being heartless bastards), and a greater majority of the left tends to respond better with emotional information (which leads to the trope about them being bleeding hearts).

Neither one of these are criticisms of either side. Obviously everyone is on a spectrum, but on a ‘general’ level, I’ve noticed that this works out quite well. It might not seem very flattering to either side, but I’m not trying to be flattering. I’m trying to help people have actual communications so they can understand one another.

Another thing to remember is that a lot of people are in bubbles and this comes to news organizations as well. I consume so much news on a daily basis that it would make a person’s head spin. I’ve listened to far more news conferences, senate comity hearings, speeches, etc., than I’ve really wanted to, but after watching/listening to stories on the same topic by various news media outlets, local news, independent media, etc., I realized that I needed to because most of them put their own spin on things. This makes trying to communicate even harder because take one person who gets their facts from CNN and another from FOX and all they do is argue because they have different information about the same topic. There will be omitted information, or a spin put on it for their viewers, or the same speech (for example) will be cropped in different ways or they’ll show different clips. Things like that.

So anyway, if you’re in your own bubble, then you can be more vague because it’s very likely that they’ll know what you’re talking about. If you have the time or the inclination, I highly suggest watching some left leaning news so that you can understand people on the left a little better (of course I suggest to those on the left to watch right leaning news for the same reasons, though FOX is the only legacy media that is right leaning so they generally have to go to independent sources online so it requires a little more digging–and of course everyone should find some center right and center left sources). I think that will help you to communicate your point better in general but especially when trying to jump into the fray with a group of left leaning individuals.

Honestly, I commend you for your bravery in giving your opinion when you’re obviously in the minority. Thank you for trying to balance out the discussion. :grin: Also forgive the long comment. I don’t always comment, but when I do, I turn it into a thesis paper. :laughing:

Edit: As a side note, part of why it’s so long is because I’m hoping that more people will find the ideas interesting, even if they are left leaning. I hope nothing came off as condescending. I’ve been told that sometimes my writing devolves into a dry textbook territory. Probably for the best I never became a professor.


I can’t think of anyone who deserves it more.

Except maybe @ReneeAnn :wink:

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This is apparently one of the reasons the Brexit campaign got ahead in the UK. They understood that enough people (and in their case, enough of the section of people who tend not to vote and so aren’t counted in the polls) don’t really watch political news. They pick up the snippets and soundbites from the headlines on music radio.

They came up with the slogan ‘Take Back Control’ which, from a political advertising perspective is actually really clever because it taps into a general sense of dissatisfaction, gives the suggestion of a problem as well as the solution, no knowledge of the issues required.

There was a really good dramatisation of it all called Brexit: The Uncivil War which I would recommend if you like a bit of political drama.


I’m curious, why do you do this? Your very in touch with the universe so this comes to a surprise to me to hear. I’m interested to Know why? :blush:

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Not at all. Your writings are always very enjoyable to read :blush:

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She can’t provide specifics because they don’t exist. “They” is a broad, all encompassing term used by trumpers to play the boogeyman of the left. trump’s whole presidency is founded on false, misleading or unsubstantiated claims. His minions are no different. They make bombastic claims with absolutely no proof. Then when pressed for answers they either get mad, shut down or completely evade. That’s exactly what happened on this thread. She made a completely false statement of fact. When pressed for answer she didn’t respond. She’s not brave for speaking her truth, she’s a sheep who copies and pastes her ideas from the trump talking points newsletter that is probably written on the back of a Denny’s menu.


Next time you’re in the States try to find a Perkins - I always enjoy the meals & the service there: