Discussion of Political Memes & Politics

Come to Canada instead. We have the best poutine :yum: :joy:


I gotta say…You guys are looking real good right now. I wanted to move to Canada before the lockdown, I heard it’s beautiful.


We are fortunate to live on a large rural property. Enough room for lots of bunkies… I should build some for TS folks who want to flee here :rofl:


Do you know why they’ve halted counting ballots in Phila?

Maybe they are taking a lunch break? I haven’t seen anything official yet. No decisions have been handed down on the lawsuits trump supposedly filed.

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Stay tuned for a Nevada update around 12:00 pm EST. I am hoping there’s enough votes in to call the state today.


Please, please let it be so. I cannot take this anymore. I was disappointed on Tuesday night that it wasn’t a landslide, felt better on Wednesday that things seemed to be going Biden’s way and now terrified today that the race seems to be tightening. I just need this to be over.

Honestly? Because reality is my favorite TV show. :laughing:

I’m half joking, but seriously I think it’s a mistake for people in the ‘spiritual’, ‘new age’, ‘new thought’, etc., community (of which I don’t consider myself to be part of) to divorce themselves from ‘the illusion’. If you do that, then you become out of touch with others. How can you properly empathize with someone’s pain or joy if you are constantly trying to only do things that ‘raise your vibration’?

Not only does doing that make it difficult to understand people around you, but it’s a disservice to one’s self–in my opinion, of course. I like to observe what is happening around me and I want to know what is happening in the reality of other people. Because I don’t really consume a lot of entertainment media (like TV/streaming or movies), it does put me at a disadvantage when the conversation turns that way, but I also don’t really enjoy those things as much as I used to. If I want to dip down into ‘lower vibrations’, I usually do that through music and paying attention to the world.

I love the puzzle that the world brings. So, for example, if you take some kind of story that is happening in politics, and you watch/listen/read left media and right media and then center/moderate media, often times they’re not reporting on the same topic in the same way. That can lead to different conclusions if a person only listened to that side of the aisle. So then, if a person is so inclined to look into things further, maybe through local news, or going directly to the speech/conference/full video/written paper/etc., that they are reporting on, that person can get a better understanding and fit the pieces together.

BUT doing these things allows me to see things from another person’s point of view. Instead of automatically dismissing someone on the right or left in some kind of generic way that memes or biased media has tried to condition me to see things, I have a better picture of the topic and can understand why they have those opinions and feelings, even if what they believe isn’t actually what happened. I don’t really care to try and convince someone of a different point of view. If they ask, then I will give them my opinion, what I found out, why I believe the way that I do, etc., but I’m more interested in understanding a person and giving them love and compassion than I am of convincing them of anything on any particular topic–be it politics, religion, or whatever.

Though people who know me well, know better than to ask my opinion if they’re short on time because, well… :laughing: I’m just as ‘long winded’ verbally as I am in writing.

Besides all of that, it’s simply great fun to observe. What I really love is economics. I love to pay attention to the economies of different nations and how it affects people. My favorite gambling is the stock market and I love hearing how the different indices are moving up and down, I pay attention to the price of gold and silver. I’m interested in the movement of goods and the hows and whys of the way things around me are functioning.

I love learning about governments and different ideologies (e.g. socialism, fascism) in that area. I love history and comparing current events to past ones. I’m interested in learning about different leftist movements like Black Lives Matter or Antifa, but I’m also interested in finding out if different far-right organizations such as the KKK or the Proud Boys are as prominent as I’m being told and how they’re organized. I want to know what all of these organizations are doing.

I’m also fascinated by the theories of David Icke and Alex Jones, and sometimes I’ll dig into one of them to see where they got their information and why they came to those conclusions. I don’t bother with Q-Anon because I see them as David Icke or Alex Jones light, and they get a lot of their views from people like those two anyway. Though, as a side note, I love David Icke’s take on the universe and who we really are–that our bodies are simply ‘space suits’ or ‘outfits’ that our souls are wearing while we’re here, but that they’re not who we really are; that we are so much more than just our bodies. It’s great. I’d link you to some of that, but he’s been banned across platforms. He has loads of books out and I’m pretty sure Remember Who You Are and Where You Came From talks about this.

And, honestly, I love learning things and have a wide variety of interests. I will get on some kind of learning kick and bathe in the information for a while, until some other shiny new topic grabs my attention But again, these things, in the end, allow me to better connect with other people. I can generally always find something of interest to connect with someone about.

I know that’s probably a much longer answer than you really wanted, but I don’t see the answer as one simple thing. :slightly_smiling_face:


This bear wants into Canada too :joy:


I’m not sure. But I believe not counting ballots until all have been collected and polls closed is for very good reason. Like not biasing the voting as it’s still open.


Many states did start counting early. And others wanted to, but Republican controlled legislatures prohibited it. :space_invader:


The article talks about “delayed counting.” Personally, and just an opinion, I don’t think impatience for results is a good motivation to trying to hurry doing an important process right.


Elections are run by each individual state. In my state (and many others), they were all doneand dusted and reported by Wed morning. Every state has different laws and processes that govern how their elections are run 🤷

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Many states NY included, allow a person to vote on election day, even if they have previously sent in an absentee ballot. This would allow the person to change their vote if they so wished. Hence why they don’t start counting ahead of time in some states. Further, this year was an anomaly, with around 100 million absentee ballots cast. This is a large number to process, even with an early start. Many states still haven’t process 100% of the votes cast on election day as well. Honestly, this is common in all elections, not just this one. Most states don’t finish counting and certify the results of an election until a few weeks after the votes are cast. Projecting winners and calling states on election night is purely a media ploy and is in now way official. If an election is not close it’s pretty clear who the winner is going to be on election night. However, this race is exceptionally close. Most states are making sure there’s no errors in the counting because trump will most likely file lawsuits in any state he loses by a narrow margin.


When Biden is winning by almost 4 million with the popular vote which is about 1-2% of the population, you would think that would be enough for him to win the election. The electoral college is so archaic. We didn’t want trump for 4 years and Bush for 8 according to the popular vote but we got them anyway. :roll_eyes:


Your answer was perfect. I understand completely… Also, you know that one question, who would you invite to a dinner party? I would choose you ! You are so infinetly interesting. So much to learn from you on a vast array of everything :grin:

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Absolutely. I agree 100%. That is why I suggested she try and be more specific. In her own bubble, the ‘they’ is implicitly understood in a different way than it is received from those outside her echo chamber. When stepping into a space where people who think differently are congregated, those people who talk about these kinds of theories and beliefs tend to be far too vague, which leads to this kind of criticism.

I would argue against that. It doesn’t take a lot of courage to give your opinion to people who hold the same views, but it does take some amount of courage to raise an opposing voice (and if you look through the conversation I’m not seeing very many conservative views being raised).

She doesn’t owe anyone an answer. There are plenty of reasons why she might not want to reply. Maybe she didn’t want to get into an argument that could blow up into something really negative. Maybe she was satisfied with saying her peace and decided to leave it there. Maybe she doesn’t have the time to get into a long drawn out argument. Perhaps she doesn’t feel like she needs to defend her beliefs to strangers on the internet. I have no idea. I’m not a mind reader. But it doesn’t make her speaking up in a space that isn’t very welcoming to her opinions any less brave, in my opinion, of course.


So if I come here with the opinion that the KKK is totally cool and hitler is a saint that would be brave? Nope, doesn’t track. I have friends who are trump voters but don’t subscribe to the Q-anon bullshit or all the other ridiculous conspiracy theories. Promoting that stuff just makes people look like fucking idiots. When you make vague references to deep state conspiracies like she did it’s not brave.

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Sometimes, if everyone thinks your opinion is stupid, well, it probably is.

Now if she could back up any of her claims with a shred of evidence I’d gladly look at it.