Discussion of Political Memes & Politics

The misogyny and racism on the political meme thread is painful. I’m glad that some of the racist posts were flagged but the memes bashing women keep coming. I haven’t seen any humor on the thread, just people from opposite political views flashing each other with antagonistic posts about the other side. Knowing what some TS members think about women and people who are not white has lessened my enjoyment of this site. The current climate in the US is toxic and polarizing and I hate that it’s now on this site. I can’t unsee what I’ve seen from certain members here. It’s so disappointing.


I couldn’t agree more. I try to keep an eye on it, the mods have discussed it to no end. Do not hesitate to flag what you find inappropriate.


I’m disappointed by what I see too. On the other hand it’s good to know how people think about certain things. It’s a collection of ‘normal’ people on here from all walks of life and with all sorts of ideas and ideologies. Nice ones, good ones, and lots of jerks too. Just like real life. Take what’s yours and leave the rest goes here too.


I agree that the U.S. political discussions here are a drag on the forum in general and not conducive to support or community building. I chose to mute the political meme thread, tho I pop in now and again as a moderator. It is disheartening seeing hateful memes and sad…and is a zero add to my recovery. YMMV of course.

Getting the politics out of the regular meme thread was the compromise…at least it has made the meme wars thread less of a hot spot. And having the ability to simply mute the political meme thread or ignore posters is helpful as well.


I’m still finding it a release for me. The political meme thread. I will not flag anyone or engage. Just meme it. The hate is out there in America and probably in the whole world too. I really can’t explain it. I am very uncomfortable with the hate I have in me now. I’ve never hated like this before. Maybe what I’m seeing and posting is hateful? Maybe? It is. But somehow I’m feeling less hate in myself and towards other people. Maybe it’s like having a political meme punching bag out on my deck that I can hit every once and awhile. I don’t know all the rules even though I’ve read them but if I’m on the political meme thread I better be able to take what I can dish. I don’t know… Politics suck. I lost some friends because of the politics of today. And that pisses me off. And that’s never happened before. Our politics has never been like this before. I don’t and won’t argue this fact with anyone. I personally have never seen it this hateful and corrupt. What a beautiful strong country “ I thought we had” going down the drain.


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I got the first flag that I have not deleted when I recieved my automated message.It was not racist. It was just showing that our current choice for Democrat is just a new Hillary. Race never crossed my mind until it was flagged, and I figured someone was butthurt by their own filters.

Lets the mods sort it out.

Even I have been getting triggered by some of the memes. I get triggered because its reflects how people are still divided. Both parties suck! Your favorite candidates are not safe from me, because they all suck.

Dont hate the player! hate them meme, then scroll past it and enjoy your day.

Over all, all of this meme controversary has allowed me to get to know alot of people better and increased my support group in this forum. STOKED!!

I have gotten to know the moderators better and they are not the oppressors I sometimes imagined they were.

They are part of my support group.

My recovery is getting stronger! :muscle:


My name is Sassy and I approve of this message. :grinning:


My thoughts exactly. “On The Nosey”
Me looking for a Young Frankenstein meme :rofl:


This an unfounded, racist and xenophobic conspiracy theory. Please remove it.

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There is nothing racist about marrying your brother pal. Sorry, but any race can do that


Just because you don’t like something or agree with something that doesn’t make it racist.

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I think the point is, if she wasn’t Muslim, would the conspiracy theory about her marrying her brother (there is no proof after all) have started circulating in the first place? Also the fact that she has been subject to some pretty nasty stuff based on the fact that she was not born in the US makes it understandably sensitive for people who have experienced similar marginalisation.


No evidence?? That’s a very interesting term to use. It’s not made up by any means. Politico fact check and some Michigan newspaper found that they can neither confirm nor deny that this woman married her brother. :thinking:. Again, interesting.

Has nothing to do with her being Muslim. It’s Because she is a political figure. They are in no way immune to criticism just because of their race or religion.

But she votes the way certain people want. But I am a hundred percent sure that if I put her face on a roll of toilet paper and posted it here that I would be called a racist.

Ridiculous. I contest these flags


I would say that means no evidence. I have read conflicting stuff on the issue, but that’s kind of an aside. For me if it is upsetting to friends on the forum on the grounds of racism and xenophobia, and I can see a rationale for that, well I don’t think people should have to feel that way here. To be clear, I’m not saying you are being racist, I don’t believe you would have posted something here to deliberately upset someone on those grounds.

Feel free to message @moderators if you want someone else to look at the flags.

Okay, just so I’m clear. I can’t post memes on the Political meme thread bout Ilhan Omar? The anti Semite? The one that Congress had to make an anti anti Semite resolution about? That Ilhan Omar?

I can’t post memes about her?

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It is fine to express respectful disagreement with a person’s voting record and policy views. Democracy thrives on respectful disagreement. We learn from each other and we are all stronger.

Making unfounded claims about personal marital history that tap into particular common and dangerous forms of discrimination, especially when it is done against a woman of color, a Muslim and a refugee, is not the same thing. I’m sure you personally didn’t mean to hurt anyone, but it is really sensitive stuff.im a woman, an immigrant, and I have lots of Muslim friends; I personally find it disturbing.


Wasn’t posted because she was a woman
Wasn’t posted because she’s a refugee
Wasn’t posted because she’s Muslim.

It was posted because she is a political figure.


Commenting only to mute thread :wink:


I been fact checking the hell out of this one. And many others. Since we are discussing things like this. I mean, I always knew it was a mean right wing conspiracy theory but never fact checked it til now. And I use 3 or 4 fact checking websites. There’s so many hurtful conspiracy theories out there. It’s hard to prove your innocence when you didn’t do anything and you shouldn’t have to. And with the immigration laws back then it doesn’t even make any sense. However being a political meme website I reckon things like this will pop up. I got flagged on 2 of mine. I’m sorry if I offended anyone and will adjust, I don’t mean to be hurtful. And I deleted them immediately.
I still totally agree with @JasonFisher scroll past it. @siand @Blueroom your feelings are real. I love Ilhan Omar. I was offended at first too but I scrolled on by and posted the Rudy Giuliani one. I didn’t get flagged. Maybe I should have? I’m at least thinking twice before I post a political meme unless it’s trump cuz there’s so much ammo there and it is basically what he has said. Looks like I’m rambling. I’ll see my way out now.