DIY Home Projects

Looking good. Just the mesh to go?

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Very impressive @Twizzlers! :clap: Your kittys are in for a real treat. :heart_eyes: If thereā€™s life after death, I wanna come back as one of your pets.

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looks awesome ā€“ love the color too :heart:

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Thank you everyone :smiling_face: I must admit I feel a bit proud :sweat_smile:

Just the roof with some planks to hang stuff inside from like hammocks etcā€¦
Yes the mesh is next and the door.
And then with leftover wood some obstacles inside it - not sure what or how yet but thatā€™s the plan :smiling_face:
I had a really bad 2 days well actually just yesterday and this morning - I kept wanting a drink but I really didnā€™t actually want one, so I kept telling that voice ā€™ Sorry but I donā€™t actually want one thanksā€™.

Yes the cats will love it ā€¦ I hope :sweat_smile:


No drinking friend!!! Just stay hydrated! No alcohol! Iā€™m so proud of you and what youā€™re building here, looks fit for a pair of lions or tigers! Wish I was there, Iā€™d be bringing you lemonade and cookies and carry stuff for you (I have two right hands but Iā€™m left handed).


Awwwww your so lovely :people_hugging: and thoughtful :smiling_face:.
That means alot to me that you even thought how you could help :purple_heart::purple_heart:
I did think to myself 10 yrs living here and I didnā€™t build a summer house or pergola thingy, instead a huge catio :joy:


Nice work :clap: your moggies will love it :grinning: you should sell them for keeping kids in aswell :joy:

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It looks great and I also like that color. You got skillz girl!!! Great job. :+1:

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I wanted to save moneyā€¦so here we are 1.5hrs into building a reasonably priced kitchen pantry.

Weā€™re still marriedā€¦need a dinner break but im thinking of calling it enough bc ive been going nonstop today and im exhaustedā€¦to be continued


Doing a good job :+1:

For me I have to stop when I feel myself getting irritated or just exhausted as this then leads me to moan :sweat_smile:
Still learning this itā€™s a working progress.

Canā€™t wait to see when itā€™s done :white_check_mark:
Itā€™s okay to come back to it. Itā€™s sometimes easier to come back to stuff for me, I come back with fresh eyes and energy.


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Thanks for the pep talk @Twizzlers

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Getting there @Cjp. Knowing your limits and taking needed breaks is half the battle.

A few months ago, we tried to build nightstands together. Normally, I do these projects by myself to avoid arguments. He does construction for a living and doesnā€™t believe instructions are needed. Iā€™m one that follows each step as written. Weā€™re still married but never finished. Theyā€™re sitting in our guest room. :joy:

Looking forward to seeing your finished product.


Lol @Lisa07 that share made me lol we need to start earlier in the day. I think next time i will splurge on fully assembled hahaha


I have only just realised I think I was supposed to drill the holes long ways through each end. It will still work with some creativity :wink:

From this :

To this :

Hoping to end up like this but home made :



Oh this is very cool And super creative. So much fun.

Is the catio all done ? Looking forward to seeing your work :blush:


I have a few more parts to add mesh too. But I am waiting up until the end so I can easily put the home made furniture/obstacles inside and still reach my hands through to screw them in to place (still building them too) then just putting it all together should be easy.
Itā€™s going well, bit slower than expected but mainly due to the weather :slightly_smiling_face:
I will defo update when itā€™s done :+1:


Ooh this is excitingā€¦Iā€™m sure itā€™s gonna be a haven for cats.

Looking forward to seeing the progress :slightly_smiling_face:


Iā€™m pretty sure they are going to spend 5 mins looking around then walk to the door of it like ok thanks now can I get out to the real world :earth_africa::smile:


:rofl::rofl::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: you are probably right (that is how my sisterā€™s kitties are)ā€¦I hope in time they love it and appreciate all the hard work you are putting into it.


From this:

To this :