Dreaming about drinking

I have had so many dreams lately where I am drinking wake up believing I have … weird

I heard an interesting thing about this at a meeting the other day.

A guy brought up a drinking dream. One of the old timers asked him if he woke up with all the money he went to bed with. The guy said yeah?? The old timers responded well good, you got a free high.

At first I was taken aback, but it kinda makes sense. Dude didn’t drink, didn’t lose money and it’s only a dream, so fuck it, might as well enjoy the dream.

I’ve had a drug dream since then and it didn’t bother me nearly as much as my other ones did. I think I’m at 220 days clean so I’m not sure when they stop.

I have them all the time, it’s really quite annoying. I will wake up in tears sometimes, or with a racing heart. My mind started to turn on me before I had my first relapse. I started thinking I could regain control (HA!) And that’s when I slipped. When I wake up after a using dream, I breathe and do the 3rd step prayer. I remind my self that my thoughts don’t control me. I even have had a dream in which I was able to turn down a drink! (Progress!!) LOL. What helps me is doing a hypnosis audio book before bed, and my alarm is super peaceful in the morning (helps with the racing heart in the morning.) Good Luck :first_quarter_moon_with_face::rainbow:

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I used to have using dreams all the time. But now, after a while working a program (for me AA works the best) i have sober dreams; dreams where i recoil from drug using situations/making the correct choices. It’s really odd to me. It makes me believe that all this time with this program of recovery has actually changed my subconscious. And that ive finally made peace with sobriety at day 470. Seems like a long time to be on the fence, but i never intended on being sober, just thought i’d tried everything else, why not give it a go.

The first few months I had a few, to the point that I had to get out of bed and check the house to make sure I didn’t actually go get booze. I haven’t had one since. I’ve talked to plenty in recovery and they all say it is quite common. Don’t sweat it, it’s just your brain processing out old information. 315 days sober…

The dreams are the worse! Because that’s literally how I’d wake up before while drinking… in a fog, thinking I had dreamed getting wasted only for it to be reality.

Now I’m happy they are only dreams, even though they are scary.

Congrats on your time sober :hibiscus:.:heart: