Dry drunk syndrome?

So here I am, two and a half years sober. Never went to AA. Never got counseling or therapy. I am now however, considering therapy. Most days I am miserable sober. My first year I was happy, then I hit this low, this rut I guess you could call it and I’m still in it. Recently I’ve been considering therapy or at least reaching out to sober people more. I thought sobriety was supposed to be… Fun and exciting. I’ve been a member of this forum for about 2 years. I’m going to give it a shot now


I feel you, I’ve been sober about year and a half and I think it’s been the worst time of my life, the only positivie side was not to deal with consequences of drinking. Also my last binge ended up pretty bad on all ends so that probably left some mark on it but still I felt terrible so many times, mentaly and physically but it was supposed to be so good. AA meetings never did much for me either but it’s a good place to at least meet people


Welcome back and a huge congratulations on 2 and 1/2 years! I have found cognitive behavioral therapy to be very helpful.


Good luck. I was a dry drunk years only lasts few years and I was miserable. When I started drinking again it was 10 times worse than my first bender. I drank for another 2 or 3 years before I stopped. I also gained another DOC along the way…meth! I’m glad that I was given another chance at sobriety. Glad you’re hanging in there and seeking help!


@Babbs4 cognitive behavioral therapy? Mmm, I’ll have to look into that. And thank you!


@Kuba I have read and heard that when you binge like that, it gets worse. It’s as if you never stopped drinking.

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It’s not like traditional therapy, it’s more geared to retraining your brain, which ends up rewiring it. I tried it because someone told me it works well for alcoholics.


I definitely hear yah there. This caused me a relapse at 456 days. It was like dating someone who is so good to you, but you take them for granted, well as soon as I lost that person I was sober my god did I miss them. It woke me up and humbled me. Personally I believe being sober your just gonna have some down days. I’ve never really clicked with a.a ppl either, I worked the steps and still relapsed, it didn’t make me any less dry drunk. So idk the answer to not being set drunk. I really let myself go towards the end of my sobriety. I’ve seen ppl who quit for 20 or so more years still struggling and they have worked there steps multiple times. I really think it’s just something we live with the rest of are life’s. Either drink and fight trying to control it and slowly kill yourself or stay sober and be miserable and healthy lol. Idk much love hope you feel better


Hm… Maybe it helps to remember that quitting is only doable due to flexibility and clarity of mind, and limitless strength :slightly_smiling_face: The same applies to ANY problem since it’s just another form of addiction in the end. Try new techniques :wink::pray: write notes on your failures, successes and thoughts, watch videos or read up on how to improve and what you can do (I suggest “Better Ideas” and “Sadhguru” as good starters), go outdoors when you can, sleep well, eat healthily, stay hygienic, get or stay physically fit and active, meditate, learn something for the sake of it (instrument, language etc), open up to close ones about it, or join a club (dancing, self-defense, yoga/meditating, a volunteer cause, or any group of even potential interest of yours - just look what’s around you. And yes, a therapist or psychologist might be just the right thing!! Cause and effect… Glad you reached out! :wink: Be strong, keep your head up and remember what you’re capable of @Kushy! Self-improvement, growth and happiness in this relatively short, mysterious and abundant life realistically has no limits…! Good luck with a therapist, I’m sure it’ll help, and hope I could just a little too :heart:


Between the steps and therapy my life is pretty amazing if I allow it to be. I’m over 3.5 years and still do therapy (once every 3 months now for a check in)