Young guy entering my 30s here. Just setting up my first accountability thread to eliminate these substances from my life.
I have been clean from porn and masturbation for almost two years which is still hard to believe considering how much of a hold that crap used to have on me. Very proud of that accomplishment and it gives me confidence that I’ll be able to rid myself of alcohol, kratom and pros.
Things have become problematic recently. What started out as an occasional thing (drinking, kratom, hookers) has become a constant temptation (I am single so thankfully I am not cheating on my GF or significant other).
I am surrounded by kratom temptations. Smoke shops, kratom bars and gas stations on every corner. Same thing with massage parlors and alcohol to a lesser extent.
Kratom and pros are my most problematic addiction:
Although alcohol used to be a big issue and I kind of did use kratom to replace it. The biggest risk with the alcohol is DUI which would ruin my business as a contractor.
I am currently day #2 detoxing after getting a bit too comfortable using 7Hydroxy kratom pills (basically hit like perks). The withdrawal has been really shitty. Can’t sleep. Stomach and back aches. Tired and moody. This is impacting my motivation to work which is impacting my finances. It’s also making me feel very very negative about my life despite the fact that I am in a very strong position after years of fighting for my independence as a business owner.
It helped watching a bunch of kratom withdrawl videos on Youtube yesterday. People have reported the same symptoms they have experienced from heroin and pain killer withdrawal. People have reported similar withdrawal symptoms as mine: stomach pain, depression, lethargy, insomnia, etc. This reminds me of going through porn/masturbation withdrawal which was by far the hardest addiction I had.
The pros have been an expensive method of stress relief costing me over $1k in the past 2 months and probably closer to $2-3k, maybe more in the past year.
Kratom is not cheap either, especially the hydroxy pills. Close to $37 for 4 pills and once I’m using regularly, 4 pills is easy to do in one day and I’m sure my tolerance would increase further.
Basically: spiritually weak, socially weak, romantically weak. I live a lonely life in many ways or at least I feel lonely.
My triggers are tough days at work, dealing with new responsibilities as a recently licensed contractor, feeling overwhelmed, physical pain, loneliness, self-pity, boredom, self-loathing, social anxiety (BIG), spiritual void.
The reason I named myself “EarningRelationships” is because I am tired of just using substances to get a feeling of connection to others or to my own sense of joy, etc. I want to break out of that and finally do the necessary work to earn my state of positive energy, spiritual stillness and joy, connections to others, etc. None of these things just come to you unless you happened to be born into some ideal situation.
Day #2 sober from K/A/P and I plan on making it to at least 90. I would not mind occasionally doing any of these things especially alcohol (wine w family) but for now, I know it’s time to cut them all out until further notice.
The biggest problem with any of these substances is that when you have been sober for a long period, say 90 days, and you decide to do one of them, your mind instantly changes the moment you ingest said substance. In other words, when you have been sober for a long time and are thinking about doing a substance, your mind is in a totally different state of perception than how it will be while in a state of consumption. You change the moment you do the substance. This is why one relapse can easily turn into a 6 month cycle for a lot of us. This is why i am heavily considering simply eliminating these substances completely from my life but we will see after I hit day 90.