It’s a very inspiring approach to take, I’m s pretty new to this and really gave to work hard at seeing past egos and behaviours, but I guess it gets easier with time and practice?
This is the most beautiful thing I have listened to in a very long time, thank you so so much for sharing
It’s on Spotify. Good job I brought my headphones in.
Yay, enjoy
Yes and I always try to overthink things and make them more complicated than they actually are.
I’m going to try and introduce myself to this way of thinking a bit more.
I was introduced to basic psychology about 20 years ago, about the same time as getting introduced to the concept of spirituality.
Probably time to deepen my understanding and knowledge.
Is it a bedtime listen do you think ? Xx
Yeah I dont see why not, it has some lovely meditations integrated. X
When I listened to it this morning, one of the reflections reminded me of something that happened years ago when I was first introduced to all this.
I was sat with my “guide” who told me to think of Jen and reach out to her.
I found out later that Jen had felt something touch her shoulder that night.
Thing is it really spooked her.
Gary Zukav also has great insight here! In his book, the Seat of the Soul he shares that each choice we make is a choice of intention. And when you are compassionate with yourself and others, your world becomes compassionate.
When you bring the consciousness of your soul to your intention-setting process, you can choose to respond to life’s difficulties with compassion and love instead of fear and doubt… you create your “heaven on earth”.
Your intentions create the reality you experience. And as I continue on my journey, I’m coming to understand that love heals everything, and love is all there is. Zukav calls this the healing journey of the human soul.
Definitely recommend his book A New Earth. I found it easier to comprehend than the Power of Now… but I also think it’s definitely about finding understandstanding when you’re ready to understand, and if you feel your soul is awakening Geoff @anon12657779 , then now is definitely the “right” time Oprah does a series of 10 podcasts with Eckhart where they go through each of the 10 chapters of the book together one by one, I found this SO AMAZING to work through this way! Reading the chapter then listening to them speak about it and break it down, and so on for each chapter. It’s on her SuperSoul Sunday Podcast.
Isn’t it just! I looove her podcasts, she has a way about her that speaks directly to my soul! She has got plenty of others too.
I love her RAIN acronym it’s an easy to use tool for practicing mindfulness and compassion…
I just discovered her insta account last night haha! Funny I hadn’t thought to look if she had one sooner as I’ve been listening to her for over a year now I really want to get her new book! I think it will be wonderful and very enlightening
Yes this this is how o started seeing it this week oh this journey is so beautiful x
This is me. This is exactly what I do. Which is probably why I struggle with some things. I either don’t understand it 100% or don’t want to.
I have for a long time been biased against reading the do called “self help” genre of books. A long term scepticism has kept me away from them.
I seem to remember a time when this type of book was ridiculed in the mainstream press or something. And since then I have struggled to read them.
I think the only one I have ever managed to finish was Allen Carr’s smoking one and that was 20 years ago.
There are good books and then not so good books. One of the best books so far I’ve red about addictions are in Finnish and by Finnish authors. I have always had my sceptic side too, but always wanted to get rid of it and now quite good at it. Questioning things is another thing, but I find scepticism kind of limiting my thinking and freedom of choice to live according to my perspective which is mainly about being open to all possibilities. If I sense too much dollars involved, stupidity, angel dust or unicorn vibes I can always turn away and continue to another direction. This searching is a lifelong project and it’s fun.
Is this because A New Earth came first? Will the understanding carry forward into The Power of Now?
I thought I was open to all things but then read what Mel said about confirming biases and realised this is what I’ve been doing for so long. So where is the willingness there?
Guess it needs a bit of a push sometimes.
We have so many conscious and SUBconscious limitations that direct our thinking and behaviour, every one of us. I’ve inherited my way of seeing things from my daddy who was a scientist but always open to other ways. Science can be like religion and an ism among others, like scepticism