Embarrassed ugh

Super cool! Thanks!

Thank you! I’m glad that I’m not alone.


Thanks for the love!

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There is LOTS of love here!


As you will see, there are Mental Health Meme thread, Non Politic Memes, Helpful Books, Recovery Dharma, and on and on… it is really helpful to read about other’s struggles, challenges and victories. There are many DOC here, drugs of choice, and AF means alcohol free and the other. Sober selfies, Sober leg selfies.
The policy is to not post on the forum while drunk unless you do it on an “opt in” thread.
The help is here for you. Get involved and ask for the help you need! I am excited for you!


Thank you!!!

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I was a high function alcoholic myself. Mayby I still am, but a dry one :sunglasses:
Sober for 3 years now with the help of this app and the people in it.
I’ve read loads of topics here and tried many tips. If something didn’t work for me me I tried another. The things that worked I kept. For me the working things where for example: stay busy, explore new hobbies, fill my fridge with healthy foods and drinks, get rid of all the alcohol and empty bottles, avoid alcohol related events the first 3 months of my recovery, be here every day the first year of my recovery to check in sober, etc. I call that list my “sober plan”.
Make your own sober plan! Find and collect all that works for you! Some of the people call it their toolbox. Fill it with good stuff :facepunch:

Go get that sober life, it’s much better then it is right now!


Meetings will help wish you well


Thanks so much! I LOVE the idea of a sober plan.


Thank you!


Lynette, good for you! I loved your post. Sounds like your husband is supportive and you are open to meetings. Sober community is huge for me. I’m happier than I’ve ever been. Welcome, my friend!


Thank you! I look forward to that degree of happiness as well!

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I feel like I am the same way as you. Don’t give up :yellow_heart:


You can do it, we can do it! It’s tough but not is impossible!


Thank you!

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Kudos to you for accepting that, and then finding help right away and considering meetings.

My mom called me an alcoholic years ago, way before I myself acknowledged I was one in earnest. I did not like it, I did not accept it, I basically removed her from my life for a while. She was right.

Welcome to Talking Sober, so much to read and relate too. I joined this place when I was about 40 days sober, have visited every single day since I joined and I haven’t slipped in that time, almost 4 years. I don’t view that as a coincidence.

Being an alcoholic isn’t a death sentence, doesn’t make you boring… I didn’t start to actually enjoy life until I did get sober lol. Enjoy your journey.


We do get to choose what our “Rock bottom” moment is. Wise of you to choose this moment. You could have waited to choose something worse, like a dui, or making a fool of yourself in front of people whose opinions matter to you. You could have waited until your spouse was fed-up enough to leave.

But not you. You are choosing this moment, and you shall be better for it.


Heard in meetings : Do you know what they call a high functioning alcoholic? A drunk.

I needed to hear that early on, because I still had some denial working to convince myself I was “better than them”.

A good starting point in the forum is this one. And I’m always glad to see new folks reaching out and getting sober.


I am the same. I am a binge drinker I don’t drink everyday but when I do it’s a mess. The drinking is starting to affect not only my emotions but my work, ethics and morals! I got so drunk last week to where I don’t remember getting home or who even brought me home. I’m just tired of being tired! I need to do something ASAP because if not I can see this getting worst :disappointed:


I really appreciate what you said. Thank you :blush:

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