Eurovision song contest sober.. will it be any good?

Jess mauboy in with a shot you reckon??

Sorry I’m not a native speaker :wink:

What do you mean Sherri?

The Australian song gets better everytime I hear it. So yeah … was a great ESC night :grin:

The aussie performer lol. She made it to the grand final didnt she?

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Yeah it was very special :wink:

Thanks for creating this thread @Robketts and thanks for joining me at the Eurovison song contest night on here ladies and gentlemen , you made my night. I call it a night and leave it a surprise for tomorrow morning to hear who wins the contest. Good night everybody and a happy sober Sunday to you all!


I liked Finland @Mephistopheles …but the Aussie song was good… hopefully sympathy votes for UK for stage Invader!:angry:

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I actually liked the UK song. She’s a bit like Annie Lennox who I love.

Yes she was good…and Annie Lennox is great… but on nil points so far😭

Ireland should give some to UK :grinning:

Israel winner! I thought they had a good chance… thanks for Eurovision party guys :grin:

Oh. I am so excited to go watch this! I had never heard of it!

It’s cheesy music and awkward television at its finest with the occasional amazing song and one of the gayest audiences you will ever see. I hope you enjoy.


That’s well explained @NewPerspective :wink: I was a bit disappointed about the low number of points for the UK and Ireland. Loved both songs and voted for both of them :heart_eyes: Has been a funny tv night for me even alone on my sofa I had fun with the people on here. Let’s have another funny sober night at work tonight :neutral_face: but hey I can crawl into bed when everybody has to get ready for the day :smile::wink:

I really liked Cyprus. Wanted them to win. Also Ireland was lovely.

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