Extreme Alcoholism

Hi all,

I have just made it to 27 days sober after a very extreme battle against alcohol.

During the withdrawal I started to hallucinate pretty badly. I ended up fighting off imaginary foes, who were out to kill me. I them jumped out of a third storey window, in an attempt to escape their attempts at killing me with imaginary machetes. I shattered two bones in my spine. I’ll never be the same again. Luckily, I can still walk. This part of alcohol recovery is relatively unknown, and there needs to be more awareness.

I’m Michael BTW… Nice to meet you all.


Wow, Michael, what a ride you have been on. It must feel amazing to be on this side of it now! Welcome to the forum. We’re all in your corner and cheering you on. You can do this! :muscle:t3::muscle:t3::muscle:t3:


Hello there,

Thank you, and nice to e-meet you

Welcome to the forum Mike. Pleased to meet you. That’s quite a story friend. Congrats on 27 days of hard fought freedom from drinking. I hope you’ll find this place as helpful in your sober journey as I did and still do. Post, comment, support, be supported, or just read. Together we are so much stronger as alone. Success!


Hey there!

Your story really had an impact on me.
I’m so glad you’re on here. Thank god you’re on a better path now.
Sending positive vibes your way!


Thank you guys. These messages have helped my day get off to a positive start.

Stay strong


Thats rough man, on one of my previous stints in rehab i seen a guy going through that, it was pretty intense… glad your feeling better keep up the good work!


Wow Mike what a harrowing tale! Could have happened to any of us here. Thanks for sharing and reminding us what is at stake.
I am beyond pleased for you to be almost a month sober! That’s amazing my friend and you can and will go a long ways further if you put your mind to it. Stay online here, it helps a lot every day. See you around!

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Nice to meet you! Welcome :pray:t2::two_hearts:

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Congrats on 27 days of sobriety. I am sorry you had that experience. I witnessed my dad go through that years back. I am glad you are here!

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Hi Mike.
Congratulations on your 27 days. Wow, it can be awful going through cold turkey and I have 2 friends who nearly died from it.
I have only had psychotic episodes while drinking, which were not as bad as your DTs. The worst that happened as far as I know is I walked home from A&E bare foot because I was detached and didn’t think it was real. My feet were bleeding the next day. I also appeared to have been in a fight, but it may be I was just restrained by police before going into A&E.:link:
I hope you recover as well as possble from your injuries and can look forward to a better life that will definitely come from being sober. Good decision! :pray:


Welcome to the forum. Glad you are here. :hugs:

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Welcome and nice to “meet” you. Im sorry you went through all of that, but we are all sure glad you’re here with us now. There are some great great people on here.

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Welcome here Mike,
Glad you are still alive! It shows again how poisoned alcohol is to everybody :expressionless:
Glad I do not have to drink that :skull_and_crossbones: animore!

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Sounds about right. Same situation for me I just didn’t jump out of my balcony window I shattered my sliding glass door with a baseball bat (real life). Woke up the next morning to my mother crying and I didn’t know why. Its a bitch but it gets better day by day. Not easier better. Take it an hour at a time. 950 days tomorrow for me​:metal::+1::call_me_hand:


Congratulations almost a month, I cant wait to say that!!


So glad you are on the mend-physically and emotionally! Good job on your 27 days. Welcome and continued success.

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Oh wow. You are pretty lucky to be alive, hun. I am glad you are, anyway. I think it is a good thing for people to be aware that these things can happen, and that is why sometimes we need to be in a detox center in case of emergencies.

That must have been terrifying. I have never had an experience quite like that, although I have done some very dangerous things while withdrawing.

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You’ve made a great decision to get sober Michael. I’m really glad you are here.
I had hallucinations once from strong prescription drugs, its wild how real it feels!
What tools/resources are you using other than this forum?

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Sorry to hear you had to experience that, I didnt have hallucinations although I’m surprised I didnt, I mostly just went through severe withdrawal, I got sick, I became irritable; anxious and depressed. This is something a lot more people should understand is correct, its caused because our brain doesn’t go into REM when we drink before sleeping because there is a difference between sedation and sleep. Anyways the research they have found is eventually when quitting, the brain turns on dream mode REM while awake and causes hallucinations it’s more common but in extreme cases. It is terrifying when I’ve told friends and family that this is a side effect to quitting for a lot of alcoholics in recovery.

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