after almost 24 days clean of heroin , i cant understand why am i so weak to the temptation ? why cant i just say no ! stop ! thats enough !
i just started again all over … but no great hopes really … i feel so down and frustrated and i feel that i will never make it …
When we stumble on the road, it feels bad, we regret it, feel disappointed in ourselves and it’s hard to pick ourselves up. Just remember that you did it this last time for 24 days, that’s awesome! All you can do is dust yourself off and start again knowing that you want to change. Keep going and good luck!
@Dr.Lucifer Do not under estimate the strength of the addiction! You have done amazingly well staying clean for 24 days. There will be bumps in the road but you are still here and you are still committed to changing. It’s easier said than done but try not to be too hard on yourself. Accept that it’s happened and plan the way forward. Personally I always find the feelings of guilt and shame and self loathing almost unbearable. In reality though they’re pointless!! What’s done is done. Stay strong and focused and I wish you all the strength you need . You got this!!!
@BloodyMary @Dr.Lucifer we really should all be a bit kinder to ourselves!
Hang in there man…
No one gets it right the first time…
Or the second ,some of us don’t get it right the third or fourth.
But your trying and you see a problem and that in itself means more then you might think!
For so long i went about my addictions never wanting to think or believe i had a problem let alone have someone else tell me.
I lived in denial and justified every wrong thing i was doing because i just didn’t want to stop.
The relief i found in finally admitting i had a problem and finally understanding i needed to stop…then finally putting forth into action a plan to stop was greater then how it felt when i would relapse at times trying to stop. You’ll get it right, you might not get it prefect but you’ll figure out a way to make the madness…stop!
We’re here for you…just have faith that you didn’t fail, you just learned what didn’t work that time!
Stay strong!
thank u all much for ur support ! each and every single word u said made a LOT of difference for me
Great!! We’re all here for you!
I went down the same road with meth. You have to learn how to still away from old place,thing,people
It doesn’t happen overnight but it will happen. Dont get down on yourself @Dr.Lucifer you are in the right place and YOU will get there… Rome was not built in a day. You matter, you count, you will conquer!!!