Favorite books recent or old?

Hello friends!

I was curious what everyone is reading or past favorite books :slight_smile: I’m currently reading Women Who Run With Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estés. It’s an anthology of ancient myths and stories about the wild woman archetype, super interesting and provides great introspection. I’m also slowly working through The Stand by Stephen King.

Anyone have recent or past favorite books that they love? Can be spiritual, recovery based, fiction, or anything else!

Happy Friday everyone, one day at a time :sunny:


The Stand is one if my favorite books. I also enjoyed WWRWTW when it first came out.

There are also some good threads on here about recovery / sobriety memoirs.


Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse. Been a long time since I read it, but straightened me out as an existentially troubled teenager.


I’m currently reading Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 by Marx. Sobriety has done very weird things to me :grin:


I was a big Steppenwolf guy back in the day.


As of now, i am rereading 2 books whilst at the same time, reading 2 new books.

Ye olde:

·Watchmen - Alan Moore (one of my favorite books ever… Forget the show and awful movie)

·Pimp - Iceberg Slim (great great book on the seedy underbelly of the streets)

The new:

·War of the Worlds - H.G. Wells (never have read it before, fantastic so far!)

·The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen; Vol. 3: Century - Alan Moore (great series so far!)


That’s a great book!! I haven’t finished it because when i first read, i was borrowing it. I bought it 2 weeks ago and it’s on my “To Read” list


I’m currently reading “By The Shores of Silver Lake” by Laura Ingalls Wilder. :joy: I read the whole series every winter. I’m also reading Blackout, which is pretty good so far.


Currently reading this again. Tend to read it every few years. Definite favorite. Just finished Duff McKagan’s book, “It’s So Easy”, and it was rad too.


Siddhartha did just the same in my teens! I marked it up with post-its. Its still funny (and insightful) looking back at what resonated with me back then. Love that book.


I love it! Proletariats unite!!

Nice! I’ve never heard of any of these of other than the HG Wells book. Haven’t read but definitely want to! Awesome thanks for helping add onto my reading list :nerd_face:

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Wow! @dot.dot.dot @Fargesia_murielae @TeejLazer @Ginger73 @S415 – You all have such a great book inventory. It will be hard to choose the next read that’s forsure!!

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What is WWRWTW? :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the nudge, I’ll be restarting my quest to read all the Discworld novels by Terry Ptratchett. At least 10 to go. I read a bunch in my earlier years, but the last 10 years it’s been quiet. Favourites include Primo Levi, Mordechai Richler, Vasily Grossman, Ferdinand Celine. Favourite book concerning addiction: John Barleycorn by Jack London.

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Oh! Much easier than typing the title. Thanks for the reply :+1:

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I’ve been reading mostly memoirs from those struggling with addiction as I’m newly sober. Absolutely loved Lit by Mary Carr. It’s in my Top 10 all time. Will read her others. Going to start on The Shining as I was told it is more terrifying than the movie :woman_shrugging:. I read a few books at a time.


Happy to nudge! Ooooh I googled Discworld series and it looks enticing. Nice collection of favorites. So cool there are early 20th century novels on addiction, really puts things into perspective.

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Here’s my “If I was on a deserted island and could only have 5 books” list:

The NIV Bible
The Book of Five Rings
Operation Barbarossa
Without Remorse
One Man’s Wilderness


I’m in early days too, 20 days, and reading has been my best friend. :slight_smile: I need to add in some recovery material though so will definitely put that into rotation!