February 2021 Yoga Accountability Thread

It was so hot. I don’t know the proper English word, but it was hot in an uncomfortable way

Yoga day 5 :heavy_check_mark::purple_heart::blue_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

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Yoga to shift perspective this morning… Planks, side planks and chair. Phew! Realised halfway through that today is day 6 which is usually more intense. Anyway, day 6 :heavy_check_mark:

A much needed break from the noise in my head and actually welcome to have something a bit more intense after a few chilled out yoga days.

Day 6, morning yoga done!
Repeated the affrimation “I love every cell in my body” and meditated.
I think I’ll do an hour class before bed too because my body just wants more.

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Such a good movement meditation this morning.
Feeling really emotional but, my heart is so very full.
Day 7 complete.

Didn’t get a yoga session in yesterday. Got my timings wrong and by the time I tried to get on the mat the puppy was wide awake and not having any of it! So I’m a day behind but that’s ok.

Day 7 :heavy_check_mark: Yoga for Uncertainty

A longer practice and a new video rather than an old one added to the playlist. Couldn’t keep my balance for the side planks today and the puppy did interfere a little with my bridge pose (climbed up and then burrowed under!) but soon went back to bed.

I have so much uncertainty right now, quite a lot of it manufactured by my own brain (thanks brain!) but obviously the pandemic is not helping anything. Really liked the idea of greeting the breath like an old friend. A nice way of fostering a feeling of warmth towards myself which often isn’t available to me.

And grateful for the reminder that we can do hard things. Here we are doing them! Whether that’s yoga, recovery, whatever… We are strong :muscle::sparkles:

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Day 8.
A great reminder of loving every cell in my body.
Opening my heart and creativity source.
Being so kind and so patient.

Day 8 :heavy_check_mark: yoga for insecurity

Planks, side planks, forearm planks… All the planks! But still a nice balance of effort and ease.

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Finished day 9!

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Day 9 :heavy_check_mark: finding your center

Found it difficult this morning, just generally feeling emotional and a bit weak. Still did it though. Trying not to write the whole day off as a struggle!

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Day 10.
All is well and I am safe.

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I know that feeling.
Pushing through.

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Days 10 and 11 :heavy_check_mark: so I am back up to date. Both short practices although the day 11 abs one was intense. Fair play to anyone who goes back to that for a second (or third!) round.

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Day 11. I went pretty easy on myself for the first 10 days, but this morning I woke up needing more.
The kindof yoga and makes you sweat and releases so many toxins that you feel crazy after.
Haha, I got what I wanted, and now my body feels electric :zap:

Day 12 :heavy_check_mark: - well kind of. The one on the playlist for today is a 12 minute bed time yoga. I might try and do it later but I did one from the movement as medicine series this morning, ‘Calm’. It just popped up on my YouTube homepage.

Anxiety all over the place at the moment and it definitely gave some relief! Forearm plank snuck in there too.

Day 12.
Intense yet kind breathwork yoga class this morning.
Might do a yin class later, as my body is craving more stretching.

Day 13 :heavy_check_mark: full body flow

Day 13✔
Day 14✔
Day 15✔

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Didn’t get to yoga on Sunday again, but will catch up by putting some shorter practices together this week.

Day 14 :heavy_check_mark: yesterday. I wasn’t really in it to be honest, I was all out of sorts as soon as I woke up. But I did it. Lost warrior one a bit, feeling all off balance.

Day 15 :heavy_check_mark: this morning. Heart chakra practice. I’m not really into all the chakra stuff, but my chest clicked a bit so it definitely needed some opening!

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Day 16. Indid not want to wake up early but I did, and I finished one of the hardest practices I’ve done in a while.