February push-ups challenge

Joe, you are a rock, thank you!

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When I get big and strong, I want to be like you, Chris!

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Emilie, it’s so cool that you kept up the good work all month! Thank you.

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Mischa, I look forward to the day you are ready to tackle the hard challenges again!

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And I finished the challenge also. Ready for march.


My Antipodean pal, thank you for joining our ranks this month!

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I’m looking forward to it

Thank you too. You’ve been a rock here and I appreciate the support. Lets rock out next month too. I like abs.

I’ve got a long way to go, you’ve been killing it!

Day 60 doubles done! First set at bootcamp as 2 sets of 30. Last set after my Peloton ride, forced the 60 in one set, painful, but glad i did it, then my relaxing stretch session.

Tomorrow morning is the big weigh-in at my bootcamp for the 8 week weight loss challenge I’ve been doing. Can honestly say I’ve given it everything I’ve got. These challenges have helped a lot. Hoping to be down 20 lbs tomorrow morning, going to be close. Hopefully i win some $$, but gettining into better shape and staying sober has been a huge reward.

Congrats to everyone who took part this month! It’s been fun seeing more people getting involved!

Looking forward to March!


Like they say in AA around here “Keep coming back!”. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I missed the last 4 days.
Was a good Kickstart for me. I used to do 100 a day. This was a good intro to getting back to doing good numbers again

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30 push ups on my Day 30! donedonedonedonedone!!!

I’m gonna maintain 25 a day.

Dilemma: do I do Day 1 of ab challenge before or after dinner? :smile:

Thanks everyone, much easier to tackle something like this when I can tap into our collective motivation! :orange_heart:


I did 20 pushups today for very good form. I used a gym mat to touch my hips on before returning to full extension. And slow and controlled. My firm started to shake on 18, so 20 is a good start.


Wow. I should stipulate - that’s 30 push ups for me in 3 sets of 10. All on my knees!

When you say you use the gym mat to touch your hips on, that means you basically lower to the mat and extend back up (in plank form, essentially) from the mat? Each time?

Yikes. That’s hard! Younger yoga me had that at one point! If I have to pick, I’ll take sober me, doing push ups from my knees. :wink:


That is the form I am trying to maintain!


We’re doing a core one for March if you wanna jump in

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Done here! Last two days done double as I catch up after vacation.
I will ABsolutely see you all on the next thread. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: