February push-ups challenge

I can’t believe I’m writing this… but I think I may try to do the core challenge you mentioned way back up there (see :point_down:), along with the other challenge but fewer crunches/modified crunches.

Low boat pose too, anyone? I’m sure it’ll be a scream! :sweat_smile:


I got slipped disc in my lower back and Everytime I do low boat or superman evercise I end up reaggravatimg it. So I’ll be out on this one. But I look forward to watching you all suffer through it. :rofl::rofl:


No problem. I’ll be done my 30 secs or so of low boat pose while you work your way thru another 100 or so crunches…! :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Day 28 done, just one set. I’m stiff and sore from the workout yesterday. I plan to spin tomorrow, so that will feel super great on the second day after a tough leg day!

And it sounds like maybe Marcus yelled at his dog or something?

Marcus Aurelius, Meditations book 6, verse 23
When you deal with irrational animals, with things and circumstances, be generous and straightforward. You are rational, they are not. When you deal with fellow human beings, behave as one. They share in the logos. And invoke the gods regardless.

Don’t worry about how long you’ll go on doing this. A single afternoon would be enough.


Hard bootcamp this morning, hard spin tonight, I’m using my rest day and will hit day 29 tomorrow.


I am caught up through day 28 today. I can try some boat posing. Mwahahahaha.
Bring. It. On!


Day 28 done! :white_check_mark: (one set)


28 day done :heavy_check_mark:


Day 29 done, two sets.
Work Out Smile GIF by Curious Pavel

Calvin Coolidge (one of two Presidents from Vermont!)
Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.


Almost skipped doubles today, but too close to the end now. Gym this morning, Peloton after work, 1 set of pushups, stretch, a good rest and then second set of pushups. Both sets had a break to get to 57, but nonetheless Day 29 doubles done!


@Mischa84 … since it’s your birthday I volunteer to do your push ups for today…. Wait, I volunteer @Jasty2 to do your push ups for today. :heart_hands:

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Alright I’ll take one for the team. :person_shrugging::grin:


Atta boy :muscle:

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Day 29 done! :white_check_mark: :partying_face::partying_face: C’est fini!!
Bye bye Feb & push-ups, welcome March & abs!


I skipped some days, not even sure how many. Lost my interest somehow. But managed 2X60 today. Will see where I land tomorrow. The :canoe: looks interesting. As do the rest of the crunchies and planks and whatever they are all called. Combined with a reasonable amount of pushups. With emphasis on reasonable. See ya tomorrow on another thread. I hope. I feel. :thinking:


Finished February up today. Now I don’t hate them, I just dislike them. Progress :woman_shrugging:t2:


February is in the bag! One set of 60 done today - I’m really quite tired today.

William Shakespeare, Richard III
Thou quiet soul, sleep thou a quiet sleep;
Dream of success and happy victory.


Thanks for joining us, I appreciate your support!

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Menno, you inspire me!

Jenny, I am so very glad you came back to us and kicked butt on this challenge!

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