Feedback on memes requested (vote in our poll)

There is nothing funny about a “meme” that implies that someone is a pedophile.


Oh God here we go again… :rage: just when I thought we were making progress. :joy:


It is what it is.

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Senses of humour differ from one and another. I personally have a very dark sense of humour and I can laugh about jokes about WWII, 9/11 and even about very racist jokes.(I am not saying I’m a racist, I respect all ethnicities, religions and sexualities. And I would never make a joke to hurt someone’s feeling intentionally) I think due to a lack of empathy from my autism that there’s not really a limit for me tbh.
But I do respect that you do seem to have a lot of empathy


I didnt even see that meme but i agree, pedophilia and other things arent funny and should be avoided. But then, i wouldnt get offended by it. I just find it very bad taste joke. And like @Mephistopheles said, the person that made that bad taste joke is the one that will have to deal with the consequences of his actions.


Thank you. I struggle with references to actual violent events or child abuse. I’m sure I’m not the only one. But I laugh out loud at 90% of the memes and I look forward to my daily “fix.”


Child abuse is the only line I can think of. Hits too close to home.


I’ve been wondering these last few days if I would have been this offended had the person depicted in the meme not been a presidential candidate and I’m pretty sure I’d say yes. Thinking about the meme again now is uncomfortable.

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This. Well said Scott. Sometimes I see memes posted that I can tell is actually aimed at someone in particular. Is there really a need for this sort of thing.
Says a lot more about the persons need to post not than the person complaining


Same here. Ages ago (possibly a year ago), I flagged a meme that was actually pretty clever (and probably funny to some), but not for anyone who has experienced child (sexual) abuse.

I was pleased it got pulled.

Unfortunately I still see that meme image clearly in my head. About every other day it pops up. I probably need to raise this with my therapist.

PS: I love the meme wars thread.


Understanding US politics is as much an exercise in futility as would it be for an average American to try to understand European politics. My degrees are in History and Political Science and I find it challenging to understand US politics.


Yes! I loathe seeing memes about kids needing a “good beating”. And then I get called a snowflake for calling it out. Anyone experiencing childhood abuse or trauma might agree it’s not appropriate humour.


My daughter has never been spanked. I learned with my son, it doesn’t really work.


The snowflake comments and the making fun of people for flagging should stop. If a person has to throw a tantrum because of a flag, they are far more imature than than what they percieve the flagger to be.


When it comes to political memes, I just strongly dislike the ones that come across as pure anger or hatred. I see nothing funny in those. I guess some people do though. I mute repeat offenders and scroll past others. When it gets too much (usually when disagreements [cough] occur), I mute the thread.
Just my approach.


The problem with muting or ignoring repeat offenders is that we give them a subtle pass to keep spreading lies and cruelty. However, now that many people know how I feel about certain types of memes I’m thinking about muting so I don’t run across unpleasantness as I chuckle my way through the daily memes. : )


As I see it, this is a diverse community, many of whom have experienced trauma and all of whom have experienced addiction (of varying types). In attempt to be a supportive community, I would hope (but sadly this has not always been the case) that community members would be somewhat mindful of what they post and how it might impact or distress others. What one person finds funny, could be psychologically triggering to another.
For some, suggestion of physical or sexual abuse of children can not ever be funny and should not be joked about.
For others, suggestions of or depictions of violence can be difficult, or “jokes” about rape or sexual assault can be triggering.

It bums me out when the answer of some to this is that those who call out things as inappropriate for this forum are called “snowflakes” or over sensitive or not having a sense of humor, rather than the poster genuinely caring about how they are impacting other community members in a negative way.

The guidelines and flagging are there for a reason - to maintain this platform as a supportive and welcoming community. People who flag or express a concern about something that has been posted should not be bullied or shamed.


Im a victim of abuse.

Thats why I like bill cosby memes. Its good to see a person in power over people gets what they deserve.

And creepy Joe memes, and Epstein memes Catholic priest memes. Pretty much anyone whos life gets ruined by their actions.

Im all about spreading hate towards them.

But if I accendentally offend someone, ive got no problems removing it, and I quit posting memes with catholic priests or bill cosby because I offended someone.

Ive even quit posting creepy joe memes because I picked up that someone was offended.

I try to respect others.

I have stuck up for other peoples flags because I didnt see the rascism it was accused of. I still dont.

It was a deadbeat dad meme. I have recently gotten off deadbeat dad status, so I LOVED that meme.

It happened to be a black guy. Apparantly its a stereotype i wasnt aware of. I didnt even notice color.

But the flag flew and the person was suspended. It was never posted to be rascist.

There was a guy posting extremely offensive memes fir a while, he got ran out of there pretty fast without any flagging.

We all see things through the filters of our perception. I feel asking a person to remove it before flagging is considerate of others. If they dont comply, then flag away!

I share innapropriate memes through private messages with a few people. Its pretty fun, and nobody gets hurt.

This thread has sparked alot more activity in the meme thread. Thats been awesome! Keep sharing those memes!

I appreciate the support I get here. Im greatful for the opportunity to give support to others. I love this place.

Its been good to see everyones perspective here


Suspensions are never made based on one flag…there are a variety of factors involved in a suspension and we do not do it lightly or without discussion. :sunny:

There are often behind the scenes goings on, as well as other flags and history that people may not be aware of, and other factors that contribute to suspensions.

As Ariel so eloquently stated, we all have differing backgrounds and sensitivities and being aware of how our posts may effect others is part of being an involved and caring community member…as you so brilliantly display @JasonFisher by being proactive in editing posts and thinking of others when posting. Much appreciated!:heart:


Totally agree, I don’t know why people suggest these things. Goes from 1 downer to another, if its that much of a problem scroll past like ya would Facebook lol. Jesus, that’s my own opinion though. X