Feeling quite angry today

Ok so it’s day 6 for me and I’m struggling with surges of anger. I know I would have had wine or beer by now to push this down but now lots seems to be coming to the surface. Does this pass in time? Right now I just want to punch everyone in the face and scream blue murder. Also quite teary, is this normal? Tips please x


Early in sobriety yes such feelings are very common. If these feelings persist deeper into sobriety its often best to seek professional help for mental and emotional health.


Well done on day 6 Mel. Yes - all of what you are feeling is normal at the beginning of your journey and it will all pass in time. Hang in there - the path to sobriety is hard and bumpy to begin but gets so much sweeter the longer you are on it.
Timeline is not linear and is different for everyone but i do promise you will feel better having stuck with your sobriety.

What are you doing now to help - Meetings/ hobbies / activities / keeping hydrated / sponsor / changing daily habits …I found that this app alone has been my saving grace. I am very active here (reading / soaking in the amazing advice and participating when i can).

You are at the beginning stages and the first week to first month is the hardest imo. FInd ways to keep yourself busy - i did watch a lot of comedy to lighten the mood and help with my anger issues.

you may want to check out the daily check in thread so that you can be among others who are or have gone through similar stages.
Checking in daily to maintain focus #56
I do hope to see you around!


Maybe check out a meeting might help. try exercise channel that anger in the gym wish you well

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I used to beat the crap out of a punching bag and every now and again scream my head off into a pillow…… it helps, try it! If you want to cry, let it out…. It will ease up soon but let it out, you’ll feel better :pray:t2::two_hearts:hope you manage a nice weekend :ok_hand:t2:

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