Feeling so down

Hi everyone
First of all thank you for reading my text and listening to me.
I am actually a happy person. I love my life. Love my two beautiful children and love my husband. Life could be so awesome if there was not my biggest enemy: alcohol. During the day I never crave for it. I am always busy. But when the night comes and the children are in bed I just need this glas or two or three… It’s just crazy. And I give in so often. I made several days without it but so often I had to hit the reset button on this app again and I am so angry with myself. So disappointed and so sad…
Today is day 1 and I feel like I will never make it. There is always a reason in my head why I want this glas at night. It is just so horrible. Although I sleep much better without alcohol. No hangover the next day. No headache and absolutely fit without it I always want it. This is so crazy.
I would be so so happy to get some advices or some emotional support from you guys.
Thank you! strong text


Oh boy do I understand!!! I too can get through the day until about 4:00 in the afternoon. That’s when I’d usually start drinking. So that’s when my cravings start. I’ve done my best to change up my evening routine so the basic habitual craving is lessened somewhat. But it’s still there. It still creeps up on me. I’m thankful my Dr has prescribed meds that truly help with the urges. I’m faithful in taking it and I’m not ashamed to do so.

I also try to be kind to myself. That’s a message I try to spread on here. I am learning to be patient with myself and to be understanding with my crappy attitude and short temper when I realize it’s my urge to drink and withdrawals that’s causing it.

So I guess my advice is to realize you’re going to have rough days. And it’s ok. This is a process and if it were easy, there’d be no addicts or alcoholics. You can do this. You can be your own best cheerleader and support.


@anon35096624 welcome onboard! It’s definitely hard especially if you feel stuck and overpowered by your patterns of using. Have you joined any kind of support group? Getting extra help through a therapist, sponsor or others?

We can use all the help we can get against addiction. It thrives in isolation.


Good morning,

I could have written this post seven months ago. Each day, I’d promise myself I would not drink. Each day 4:30 would roll around, my kids would be at the worst of the witching hour…I would be tired and frazzled…and I’d start looking at the bottle. By 5:00 I had my first glass. A couple more with dinner…a couple more while washing dishes…and toward the end? Drinking from hidden bottles after my husband and children were asleep.

For me - willpower didn’t cut it. Trying to stop on my own did nothing but cement a long cycle of self loathing and failure. Why couldn’t I stop? I hated myself every time I took that first drink - and yet I kept doing it. Why? I finally accepted that I am an alcoholic. Wishing that away was like trying to wish away diabetes. I have to work my ass off to stay sober. I go to AA. I got a sponsor. I work the steps. I call sober friends every single day. When that 4:30 hour comes? I take my kids on a walk. I call someone. When my husband comes home, I often go to a meeting - and I always feel more peaceful when I return.

In no way am I saying that my plan is the right one or the only one. What I am saying, though, is that just trying to white knuckle your way through is probably not going to work. Make yourself a relapse prevention plan and use it. Have something else to call upon in those tough late afternoon hours. Find other ways of relaxing and getting support.

You can do this. Just remember that you do not have to do it alone. Life is soooo much better outside that endless cycle of drinking and remorse.:heart:


meditation is your solution, I found it hard to control my urge to drink and smoke until I started meditating, not anymore


Wow. Wow. Thank you so much for this support. It gives me so much energy and power. The mind is really tricky but right now I am feeling so motivated. Will pass by here and tell you how it goes in a bit…
Thanx again guys!!!


Alcohol + your mind, does a wonderful job thinking you need that one more drink to be happy… it’s so far from the truth it’s mind boggling that we continue to fall in the laden trap of depression alcohol sets for us. I can clearly testify with all my friends here, that getting passed those urges and the false prophets of deceit that alcohol provides is truly the best thing you can do!

I’m up there as the “King of Resets!”

Learn from every reset, and really look at how shitty it makes life for you/us. There’s no happiness alcohol provides, and if you think there is… than reevaluate again, again and again! It’s taken a lot of resets to find my sober inner peace that I kept destroying with my lapses.

Keep fighting with all your might… it’s possible and well worth it. Even with all my resets, I’m getting better at getting better!


Wow. You had a couple of resets. And I’m admiring you that you always got up and continued to believe in yourself. That’s very strong. Keep on doing this great work.
I’m Going to bed now sober. I’m proud to have made the first day. And I feel really good about it.
Will write more tomorrow


Just the fact that you are on the app and willing to press the reset button are all good things. You sound like you are so close to getting some sober time together. Keep trying and you will get there and once you do you will never want to go back. I am 5 years clean and every day I have mood swings and other stuff to deal with. But there is a hell of a lot I don’t have to deal with now. I tried for so long to get clean and failed so much I thought it would never happen, but it did and it will for you too! :slight_smile: Don’t be so hard on yourself, you’re trying your best and if you keep doing that you will get to where you want to go.

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Thanx for the support!
Day 2 of being sober. Woke up. With full of energy. Starting my day with jogging and a good breakfast. Life is beautiful. To all of you a wonderful Saturday


So I’m pretty lit rn , I want to sleep but I obviously chose a different path . I really want out but dont even know where to start .

Hey there
What do you mean with your message

I relapsed

How you doing now?

Well now I’m good , I’m just up … but I feel like crap for it

Don’t beat yourself up too much for it. If it was easy there would be no need for this app. Just make a goal to get to lunch time without using. If you can do that then you’re already on the right track again. Don’t focus on what comes after lunchtime until you get there. I literally used to focus on getting to the end of each hour and so on when I was first starting. Be proud of yourself that you shared your relapse story and didn’t hide it.

Thank yall for the support


I’m sorry to hear that. I know exactly what you mean.
Gerard_O_Connor is so right. Take one step at a time. It’s good that you are honest to yourself and this app really helps. We are all not alone…

Slow down :slight_smile: one day at a time

Wow look at you, having a good morning! Yep working on having a good Saturday lol

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