Feeling very unsteady

Congratulations on 7 days clean. You got this. Just take it one day at a time. I know what you mean about being celebrated. Its hard to stay clean and so many don’t understand that. I wish i could get an im proud of you or a congrats every once in a while but its ok. Im so proud of you for your journey and am grateful that you are clean.


Congratulations on your achievement. No, i don’t think you’re wrong for wanting some acknowledgement and support. It shows how hard you’ve worked and how proud you are for your first clean test this year. 7 days can feel like a lifetime, so well done. I’m new on the forum but think you’ve definitely come to the right place as the comments are supportive, people can relate to your situation, recognise your struggles and achievements and boost your confidence by giving you the congratulations you deserve :smile: you got this :star_struck:


HUGE congrats!!! HELL YAH!! 7 days HUGE. I am rooting for you girl.


That is a very huge thing you’ve done! Be proud of yourself, you deserve to be proud. You should feel good sharing your success with your loved ones and your loved ones should be excited for you. If they’re not supportive maybe they’re afraid of you succeeding.

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I dont think its silly at all to want a little congratulations on gaining 1 week clean. Recovery is hard work and its nice to know that our loved ones are proud of us. The only downfall is when we have expectations of others to do something bcuz when they dont, we end up getting disappointed and ultimately hurt.
My husband has never congratulated me on my milestones. And i dont expect him to either. We both got clean at the same time but he doesnt have to work at recovery like i do (which can be alot of work). So he doesnt view the milestones as anything special really. I gain that congratulations from those on this forum and honestly some of the most heart warming congratulations have been given to me by good friends on here :slight_smile: if u arent able to get that congratulations from those around u, u can always come on here. We know how hard it is and how important those milestones are.


Jessica - it is a huge accomplishment to be 7 days clean and sober!!! YOU are doing amazing - this is by far the hardest period. The beginning 1 day thru first 30 is the worst! You’ve gotten through the thick of it. Do this for you and congratulate yourself. Put your time sober on the How many days are y’all sober and / or Screenshot Your Clean time.”I’ll go first” threads — We will all praise your accomplishments.

I know that when you feel like shit the last thing your addict brain want you to do is get help (it rather see you succumb to the disease) so you stay away from this community or your other support systems. Do know that this is the time you need the community and your support systems the most. Force yourself to log on even if its just to say hi in your daily check in’s or do some daily gratitude. I can’t tell you how much being here has saved my life.

I’m sorry that you did not get the congratulations you were expecting from your boyfriend. For those that are not fighting addiction(s) or for those that are able to leave addiction without the same struggle then they don’t understand how big this is. I proudly say that I’ve hit such and such milestone to my family members and tell them that it was a hard road so far and I’m celebrating this milestone by doing xyz. I don’t wait for them to say congrats as I’m doing this for me and i want them to know i’ve accomplished something and i am rewarding myself for that accomplishment. Nothing big - a dinner, movie, jewelry…etc.
I hope you are able to celebrate this 7 day milestone and be proud of yourself. You’ve made it another day sober!!!


I can absolutely 100% tell you that you need to be selfish. Get that this is about you. If those around you aren’t willing to support you, give you the encouragement that you need deserve, then I would suggest you search out those that will. But being selfish, particularly at the early stages of recovery is a good thing. We have to be 100% honest with ourselves or we’re going to compromise how we truly feel about the situation, the person, etc. The skin lead to relapse quicker than you can say relapse.
I promise you will feel better, but do not put yourself down or allow that little voice convince you otherwise. You be you and do not feel bad about it. In least be selfish with your sobriety. You never know who’s out there. Looking to steal it from you.
Stay strong :muscle:


This is a fantastic reply.

7 days is huge for people that struggle with addiction. We celebrate you each and every day, but my gosh, those early days can be minute by minute. Do you have any sober connections in real life? That would most definitely be helpful for you.


Unfortunately, no sober connections. Im looking into attending meetings and hopefully finding me a sponor soon… everyone around me, family included, is all in active addiction of some form.

My boyfriend is my only support system i have and hes never done drugs or anything in his life. He may have a drink on a special occasion but thats it. So, he doesnt understand. He really really tries tho and after i posted this post earlier, i voiced my feelings to him and he made me feel a lot better about it.

I really have to work on my communcation skills as well. I really appreciate everyone who has left supportive comments. Yall are truly a blessing and im grateful for each and everyone of yall! :purple_heart:


Thank you so much, i cried while reading your comment. I know we dont know each other, but you and your words are truly a blessing. I appreciate you. :two_hearts:


I’m definitely going to do my best to force myself to log on here at least once daily… every time i get on here feeling some type of way, i am greeted with the most amazing, supportive, and sweet comments and it honeslty makes me feel ten times better than before. :purple_heart:


Thank you sooo very much friend! :blush:

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Im proud of you. Very very proud of you! Your a blessing. :green_heart:

Congratulations to you :clap: this touched my soul :heart: I have 5 days I am definitely proud of myself I definitely couldn’t sayit a week ago My man insist that I’m not an alcoholic and I just need to drink less I got upset when he said it I explained to him that I want his support more than anyone else and he may need to educate himself He as seen me at my worst like you I’m glad that is is still with me but i also hope he understands that my sobriety is even more important than him Celebrate every chance you get no matter what!!! We got this :+1: :muscle: :blush: thanks for sharing this you are awesome and congratulations in advance for day 8 :heart::orange_heart::yellow_heart::green_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart:


I’m proud of you!! Keep at it.

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I think, sure it’s OK to be selfish. I know we, rather i am a totally different person. And being a different BETTER person is something to be proud about

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I wholeheartedly feel that this will becof great help for your sobriety
Looking forward to seeingvyourvdaily check ins and gratitudes :people_hugging:

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First…7 days is HUGE! BE PROUD!!

Second…give your boyfriend some grace. Unless he is a recovering alcoholic like us…he will never understand what a huge milestone it is.

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There are some great TED talk. YouTube videos for those that don’t understand this disease. I would highly recommend you peruse some of those to pick out the ones you think might get through to him. I know I did this for my son and it made a big impact. Stay strong and hang in there. This is definitely doable. We just have to get over the fact that you/ we can never ever never ever be a social drinker. End of story.


Just checking in to see how you’re doing.
You hanging in there? First few days are rough but it’s nothing you can’t handle. Make sure you reach out to people here if you find yourself in a compromised position or the cravings get bad.
You’re going to have to come up with something to replace your drinking. It’s a ritual with that. We all have to come home. We use we watch TV. We do stupid shit. You’ve got to replace that with something or you’re going to relapse. Join us sober club. They meet for dinners movies bowling that sort of thing.
Go for a walk. Get out of the house.
Stay away from people you used with.
I wish you nothing but the best. I know how hard this is. I had 10 years of sobriety and blew it. It’s taking me 4 years to get back here .so there is no cure, and the disease is just as strong one week or four decades.