Felling happy and positive and making the changes

Hi everyone i am new to leaving comments. But I have been using this app for 32 days. And I am now 32 days sober. Thanks to reading all your comments has really helped me. Just want to thank you all. Still a long way to go but feeling very positive


Hello Stevie and welcome here, glad you found it! Congratulations with your 32 days, that’s awesome! 🤸🤸🤸


Welcome Stevie I’m on day 26 and it’s only with the support of this group that I have come this far. It’s great I’ve never come this far on my own. Congrats on 32 days and many more ! Happy sober Friday from Northern Ireland :+1::blush:


Keep commenting and posting it will help others, congratulations on 32 days, keep up the good work


Thanks alot for my welcome. means a lot to see people out there that struggle too x


Congratulations on your sobriety Stevie! Whenever I’m feeling tempted I hop on here to read motivational comments such as yours and it helps to keep me focused. :hugs:

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Well done Stevie! It’s a good day to be sober.

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That’s fantastic, I’m glad you’ve joined us!

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Hello, thank you for joining in :hibiscus:

Congrats on your days and keep posting :blush: