Many people that I have talked to do not know what Fentanyl is, sounds like Phentanol, and do not know the risk it poses. The reason why we have a full blown heroine epidemic in AZ is because of Fentanyl. By epidemic I do not mean how many users we have per capita, I’m writing about how many people are dying from accidental OD’s. To relay the strength of Fentanyl to anyone that has not had it, Heroine is 30-50 times stronger than Morphine; Fentanyl is about 100 times stronger than Heroine. I don’t know if you did the quick math, but that means Fentanyl is 300-500 times more powerful than Morphine. Any drug that strong should never be used unless of a medically sufficient reason, it simply is too strong for a person to use without gambling their life. Doctors will tell you that Heroine is the hardest drug to quit, but really Fentanyl has not been studied enough yet for people to realize that Fentanyl is much harder to quit. When a person is addicted to Heroine w/ Fentanyl and wants to try and stop using, the withdrawal effects are basically the worst combination you can get. Alcohol might be the most dangerous substance to kick.( Simply because Alcohol is the only substance that an addict can die from trying to stop using. Benzo kicks can lead to seizure which can result in death too but in much rarer cases) The hardest substance to quit is by far Heroine/ W Fentanyl. I know by firsthand experience, and I’ll tell you how it went. I first was put into a special “hospital” where people that are petitioned go to. So you arrive in handcuffs after enjoying a nice ride in a cop car. I was then placed into a room that housed about 20 recliners, and attached to the room was about 10 rooms that each had two recliners in it. When you come here you lose your rights as an adult the doctor controls when you stay and when you go. I was stuck there for 90 hours during that entire 90 hours I did not eat anything, my stomach wouldn’t let me, and I had no appetite. I threw up so many times that I lost count, and I was pretty much stuck on the toilet because I couldn’t control my bowels at all. During my stay there I didn’t sleep and I started to hallucinate auditorally and visually basically the whole time I was there. I have never been as suicidal as I was during those days, and my anxiety also has never been higher. At the time of my release I was still hallucinating but I did not tell them that. I went to stay at my grandmothers house where I barely ate anything at all. I became so weak and tired the only thing I could do was lay in bed and only getting up to go to the bathroom. I was like this for almost a whole week longer, during which I attempted to commit suicide with a intended OD by taking all of my grandmothers anxiety medicine. I thought that I was going to be arrested due to my drug dealer framing me for murder, she never did, but my hallucination and paranoia made it so real. I finally started to get better but not before I only weighed 120lbs, with my healthy weight being 180lbs. I ended up relapsing at the first opportunity because I craved the substance so much. Fentanyl is the worst thing to happen to heroine, which is really bad enough. There is no way to tell with the naked eye if the heroine you smoke doesn’t have a lethal dose of Fentanyl in it without a very very powerful microscope. I lost my longest living best friend because we picked up together from my dealer and it had Fentanyl in it, which at the time I did not know. My body had become used to Fentanyl, but his was not. He died the next day after smoking a lil bit of the heroine w/fentanyl. I wasn’t not allowed to see him at the hospital, and I was not allowed to attend his funeral. Fentanyl is found in more and more heroine everyday, it is a cheaper way to produce exponentially more potent heroine. This is the reason why we see so many people dying from accidental OD’s and the scary thing is no one is talking about it. I mean it is not even tested for when the morgue tests for cause of death. Ultimately you can die any time you smoke heroine now that Fentanyl is becoming popular. You might as well be playing Russian roulette. So anybody out there that’s reading this, please tell people about fentanyl and spread the information. If you even save one life it will be worth it.
I’ve been hearing that fentanyl (and now carfentanyl - sp?) is even being laced in pot. I need to have a talk with my kids about not picking up drugs but not for the same reason why my parents would have had that discussion. You just never know when your drug will have fentanyl or not. So scary this world we live in.
i had a friend who used to abuse Fentanyl only by injecting it … he used to sleep for whole days … you cannot compare fentanyl to heroin as each has a different mechanism of action … but you are right about both can be the worst combination ever
Reply to Dr.Lucifer: They can be compared in the sense of their ability to cause incapacitation and ability to numb pain which is what I was referring to, I’m sorry I didn’t mention that, but I get what your saying. Heroine and Fentanyl should not be considered in the same category of drug.
Reply to VSue: Very true, I’m working on getting seminars started for high schools and different churches to try and inform parents and younger people about this horribly lethal drug. I haven’t had it in any pot, but it’s not hard to believe that it has been put in it. We really need to overhaul the way we teach children and teens about drugs. They need to be approached from a more realistic position to truly learn about the risks they could be taking from buying illegal drugs.
yeah exactly … but what you are doing is really dangerous my friend … im on day 6 off pure heroin addiction … used to get more than 6 grams DAILY … it feels bad but naltrexone will help avoid relapses
My son just overdosed and died October 8th/2016, with Fentanyl/Heroine mix… was the saddest day of my life.
I binged after his death with Benzo’s and booze, I cleaned myself up and am 40 days clean… I want to honour my son’s death by living a life of contentment and happiness…
Anyone reading this please be aware of the that drug, not only did my son die, 4 of his friends are also products of the Fentanyl epidemic … ALL OF THEM HAVE DIED DUE TO OVER DOSE.
On another note: the city I live in the Police Department JUST BUSTED 2 dealers at a JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL! with all sorts of different types of Fentanyl products… Very scary!
@Miki33 I am so sorry to hear about your son and his friends I can’t even begin to know what that must feel like. I completely understand the benzo use to get rid of that pain, and I’m glad that you are sober. Stay strong, I am sure your son would be proud of you right now.
@Dr.Lucifer I am no longer using. I have 3 weeks of sobriety under my belt, I know that’s not shit, but my last binge only lasted a day (So not really a binge). Needless to say the withdrawals weren’t to bad and I’m already doing much much better than I have been awhile. 6 grams a day though?!? That’s crazy mate, you gotta be careful yourself too. I hope you can get well!
yeah thats why i decided to quit when i found that im only digging a hole for myself … just hit the 6 i never done that in a longer time than i can remember and started taking naltrexone to avoid any further relapse … yet am glad you are doing well and what makes me happier is that you are happy doing it mate
I was shooting pure medical fentanyl, not fentanyl laced heroin so I knew the exact amount of fentanyl I was shooting and I thought I was being “safe”. But that drug is so cunning that I still overdosed and spent 19 days in the hospital. I was on life support for 3 days and had a heart attack, kidney failure, respiratory failure, and I still have minor brain damage that could be permanent. This was on Nov. 4th and I have been clean since then. Fentanyl is pure evil and is truly an epidemic for addicts.
@Ian Damn man that shit is crazy! I haven’t met anyone who has gone through that much using Fentanyl and lived to tell the tale. I’m glad you made it mate, and you’re almost at a year of sobriety!
@VSue @Dr.Lucifer @Miki33 @Ian have any of you guys seen anything about this on any news channel, or any mainstream form of news at all? I personally haven’t and it blows my mind.
It’s ALL over thee news here due to all the overdose deaths. Vancouver has been hit the hardest but there are big campaigns in Ontario to try and deal with it before it becomes like Vancouver. The problem seems to be drugs unknowingly spiked with fentanyl so that they are cheaper to produce but give a great high resulting in repeat customers. I don’t think people are knowingly buying fentanyl…or at least that is the impression I’m getting from the news. That is why I’m concerned for my kids.
Like Vsue said in Canada it’s a huge issue, on the news constantly…
My best friend is on life support right now because of fent laced H. Her mother is making funeral arrangements. Its terrible here in Milwaukee wi.
@Jojo526 I hope they pull through!
Unfortunately, we have all said our good byes. She was too far gone. Her poor mother. Thank you for the kind words though.
Thank u for sharing your info @xmarkvsx im not sure if any is fentanyl is in Norway . I do hope not . MERRY CHRISTMAS