Few hours into Fentanyl withdrawl. I need help

Any advice to make it through this at home I’d appreciate.
*I need help man. This isn’t like heorin where it’s over in 2-4 days with the use of subs.
I have anxiety meds to help and Clonidine.
I went in this morning applied for Medicare as in NC they changed law so more people can be accepted but I won’t find out if I’m approved for up to 45 days!!!
As the state facilities in the crisis center only offer subs or methadone. Which I’ve tried and they don’t work for fetty like they did for H. That being said my only option is to lay in this couch. Take the meds I do have. Been almost 5 hours since last using and I already feel terrible.


You made this post 9 hours ago. I hope you are still going strong. It will be 14 hours since you last used and your withdrawal symptoms might be really kicking in.

Question…do you have anyone you can call to help you through this? It’s already a scary prospect to do it alone.

If not…and I know this might be really difficult…type here…what you are feeling. How you are dealing with it. Just share. I’ll personally keep an eye for your message. And I’m sure others will. You don’t have to feel alone.

But do try to get to a detox centre near you. Eat. Drink lots of water. Move about. Ask questions. Talk about things. Post on here. Be kind to yourself. It will be hard. You know it will be. But you also know you are strong which is why you are trying to beat it. Hang in there mate. I really am rooting for you.


I watch my oldest son go through the withdrawals quite often. Welcome to TS we’re here for you. Hope you’re doing ok.

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