Few hours sober clean and sober… could use advice l…

I have been going through some medical stuff lately too (which is a reason also why I haven’t wanted to drink) with my head and I actually said to my friend the other day ‘it’s super weird but my head doesn’t hurt after I’ve had a drink or two.’
Ultimate bad right there.


Hi and welcome back. You don’t have to feel this way again. Stay hydrated. A solid womans group will help. I’ve been new a whole lot also. You can do this and you will feel better. If your Mom sees change, my guess is she’ll stop hounding you. Hang in there and keep reaching out.


Indeed. At least you see that. That is definitely small progress :muscle:


I’m definitely trying :relaxed:


Thank you :heart:


It sounds like maybe you’ve been unconsciously self-medicating? Am I reading this right?

If so that’s super common. So many of us self-medicated with our substances and behaviours. In my case my addiction was partially self-medication for unrecognized ADHD, partially self-medication / self-numbing for depression. After speaking with my doctor and with my therapist, and coordinating to see some specialists and get some assessments and ideas for treatment, I am on a medication and counselling routine that is transforming things for me.

It is worth the effort. Lean in to your feelings and trust that your body is telling you the score. It’s just a question of exploring new options, healthier options. :innocent:

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I mean I don’t want to put my recent diagnosis on here but no I don’t think I was self medicating for that. Depression definitely. But I use it as a coping mechanism when my life is terrible. Which this month is one of the worth months I’ve had in a very very long time.

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That makes sense. That lying by the addict voice in our heads is universal. We all have that voice that says “yeah it’s fine, just do it, you’ll like it”. It’s always wrong, but until we tell that asshole to fuck off, and we work on ways to keep it gone, we keep getting tricked. :innocent:


You’re very very right

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I’m on day 9 nearly, feeling good, out running Tommorro, but ate that much today, but better than drinking I guess xxx


How are things today @AmyDawn?

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I’m constantly hungry :rofl::rofl:


I am too :joy::joy:

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Things are getting better :relaxed:


I’m glad. It’s one day at a time :innocent:

Take care & keep checking in. You are a good person and you deserve to be healthy & to feel good about yourself :+1:

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Thank you very much much! I appreciate that. One day at a time is correct

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Hahaha i felt the same in the beginning! In the first few weeks I was saying “omg im so boring now​:sleepy:” its like I tried to convince myself that drinking was apart of my personality and I wasnt fun without it :upside_down_face: so happy that im over that and alot happier out with friends without it!


Hi had many resets in my life, just keep coming back and try to help others by keeping sober. All the best. Pete

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It’s crazy how our mind is conditioned to think like that. I Know in part is because of the drinking culture and also because most of my “fun times” have always had alcohol involved. However I am looking forward to more present and clear days and definitely no hangovers the next.

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It definitely is one day at a time, this is the longest time I’ve done in ages nearly day 10, I feel so much fresher and clearer headed, this is a great community to be with to it really helps not feeling on your own and to be a help with others :sparkling_heart: