Finishing up Day 0

Today I decided to quit drinking alcohol. It hasn’t even been a full day without a drink yet. I’ve noticed how deep into depression I’ve become as a result of drinking and how it makes my anxiety skyrocket. I’ve said some really regrettably things to people I love and I know that’s now who I am, the alcohol just turns me into that person.

My family is completely in shambles and my addiction has played a large part in it. I’m hoping I can stay sober and try to repair what I’ve done to my family and be a better mother for my 6-month-old daughter. The postpartum really hit me and I took to bottles a day to cope.

In a cliched manner Hi, I’m Samantha and I’m an addict.


Hi Samantha
Glad you were brave enough to start with day 0 - now going on day 1.

We have all had our share of regrettable and humiliating moments with alcohol or our DOC. I do hope that you have a good support group or you have a good game plan set forth for your recovery. We are not able to do this battle alone.
You can go to meetings in person or try on line with or without the video/ voice turned on. Are you seeing a therapist or do you have a sponsor already?
Congrats on your baby - 6 month old at home can be super stressful love - i do hope that you have support with your postpartum. Breathe love - you have the strength to overcome your addiction - just need some help. We are here virtually for you!
I find this community to be my pillar of support. I am addicted to this site as i get so much amazing advice and support here and am able to see how far our lovely members have come.


Hi Samantha, I’m Flo and I am also an addict. Mostly alcohol, but also food, social media, netflix. If I can use it to escape, I will. What are you doing to quit? I really liked Annie Grace’s book The Naked Mind, she has a 30 day online program too
Join The Alcohol Experiment FREE! (
Sending warm wishes to you! It can get better, I promise.


Welcome Samantha… Today will be the day that changed your life… Hope you stick around. This is a really fun community with so many people doing so many different thing’s to improve their lives. One thing we all have in common is a day 1 which can quickly turn into year’s living a life that we’re happy to be living.


Welcoming Samantha.
Today is a great day for a day 1.
It’s not my first day but I’m going to take a day 1 with you.

I’m glad you found us.
It’s amazing how I drank to help my anxiety and now I’m sober and have learned how the drink actually added to my anxiety along with shame and fear and a bunch of other useless things.

Have a good read around.
Here are two good threads to start:

I hope to see you around.


Thank you all so much for the kind welcome messages, they actually made me tear up a little. I drank more often than I would have liked pre-pregnancy then stopped during pregnancy and then went WILD post-pregnancy - far more than I’ve ever consumed otherwise. I’m in the process of local addiction counseling, I did a walk-in evaluation and it was horrifying. Definitely, the hardest thing I did was admitting to someone that I have an addiction. I’ve been reading Russell Brand’s book “Freedom from our addictions” and it really helped push me to finally admit I need help. I highly recommend it to everyone.

Only a few more hours left until I hit 1 day without a drink.


Hi Samantha, I’m Agnieszka and currently I’m on my 20th day sober. this community is soooo helpful, I love reading here, it takes my thoughts in some chill and safe place.
I started drinking more after having a baby as well. During pregnancy zero alcohol but I started drinking something around 1-2 months postpartum. I was breastfeeding. After breastfeeding I had a beer or glass of wine, then counting at least 1.5hours before next feeding. What a fucking obsession. And you can imagine with twins it was not really always doable so there were times I was breastfeeding with some % in blood (so in milk as well, mini mini but still). When I stopped breastfeeding it was like opening the pandorra box, I started drinking more, more often, I was smoking weed with my husband. This year it got more serious, sometimes I was starting my day with beer because I was so hangovered. And we all know it’s never just one beer. I started hiding bottles/cans, rearranging garbage so my hubby not gonna notice cans/wine bottles, I was lying, going to the shop in other village to buy alco cause I was feeling ashamed about amounts I’m buying etc. Many of us know those tricks.
I tried to quit many times, always relapsed.
With this app I feel like I can do this for good. People are great here.
Im sure you can do this too.
I hope to see you around


Welcome, Samantha! You are making a great decision!

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Bravest best decision ever! You sound like an amazing, strong person. I look forward to seeing you around here.

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Hi Samantha, welcome here :raising_hand_woman:
My addiction is alcohol as well. Also have kids, stopped when pregnant/breastfeeding and picked up the habit after that.
Almost 5 years sober with the help of this app.
Hope to see you aroud often it helps to be here much.

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Best of luck to you