First day for me again

At my first day again . Alcohol
Is not my friend


Welcome Maria to this great community.
Lots of good people here just trying not to pick up that first drink or DOC. That most important one.
Have a good read around here. This place has been a great place for me to get support in my sobriety. Addiction is too tough to go it alone. We are stronger in numbers. And we are all worth it.


Here are two good threads to start:

I hope to see you around.


Yep, alcohol is not your friend. I had to reset as well, but I’d rather see as an opportunity instead as a failure or punishment. I’m currently reading “This naked mind”, I’m not through it yet, but I like it a lot and it’s helping me. This book tells you alcohol is not your friend, and most importantly WHY it’s not from a different perspective. Wishing you all the best with this new start! :muscle:t2:


Hi @MariaPagia welcome to TS.
I’ve had to reset many times, but I keep coming back here because of the support and great advice from real people who’ve been there and done it but don’t judge.
Don’t be afraid to reach out if you’re struggling. This is a very safe place.
Happy sober Tuesday! :blush:

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Maybe try a meeting might help wish you well


not like you to mention a meeting :rofl: wish I met you about 5 years ago you could have saved me a lot of time and wasted efforts.

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Hi @MariaPagia, welcome! :pray:t2::two_hearts:

Thank you everyone, I made it thru first day and I feel good , not tipsy, not zoned out , not resentful ….just good :blush: