Okay, hi I’m new here. I am 41 days sober off of alcohol. And I was just wondering if anyone else felt like when they wanted to get sober they thought everything was going to get better and you’d finally feel happy again? Because that’s what I thought. I thought I would finally feel normal and actually be able to live a normal life but what I’m realizing is that I am just as depressed as I was drinking. Like getting sober wasn’t enough. I am quiet. I am tired, I’m bored. I’ve worked out, played video games, colored, and journaled. Nothing is helping me. Instead I’m craving anything at all. Idk if that makes sense or if anyone understands.
Welcome to TS
Congrats on 41 days.
Sobriety is not making life magically sparkling & unicorn farts. Life remains life. Recovery means we learn to live life on life terms, the best, the good, the bad and the ugly.
You already did things to fill your now free time aka sober time won with something healthy: working out, journalling, colouring. Boredom is a feeling, not a mindset, take it as invitation to do things different and try new.
What is your plan for recovery?
Welcome here and congrats on your sober time. Like erntedank wrote sobriety does not suddenly change your life. For me sobriety did give much needed mental clarity to start working on things I want to change. It will take time but it’s worth it. Keep going.
This thread will give vast and valuable information on the things that keep people sober and in recovery. I recommend checking it out and trying everything, some will be a good fit for you. The more tools you add to your toolbox the better you can cope with life in general, not only staying sober.
Hi Alexis, welcome here and first of all, congratulations on 41 days of sobriety. That is something to be really proud of!!!
I can relate to the feeling. I sobered up while being severely depressed and there were times, when I doubted it would ever get better. Yet, looking back today - sobriety was the beginning of a journey that wouldn’t have been possible while still drinking. It was the first step in finding a way back to who I was before I dulled everything with alcohol. I had been trying to be someone I thought other people wanted me to be for so long, that I had forgotten what truly used to spark my interests. It’s time to go back there and explore this some more. Try to think of what you liked when you were younger and sober. What used to catch your attention? Keep exploring, friend.
Stopping drinking wont take away the feelings .fear anxiety we all share these when we stop, for me i went to meetings met new like minded people joined a group i started to work on me and it worked still sober and never bored wish you well
I remember when I quit vaping (a few years ago before I went back to it for a bit… And then quit again recently) and it felt like everything became so dull and unenjoyable, like life had transformed into grey scale. But over time the colour did come back and I started to enjoy things again and feel good. I’m only 33 days alcohol free (this time around) and I feel a bit like this now. So I’m hoping that is a similar process and that over time I start to feel better. I do think it’s something to do with drinking and vaping constantly giving dopamine hits and then when you stop your dopamine levels take a while to resettle. But also I think there is some learning and readjustment to life as a sober person. I don’t enjoy the same things sober as I did drunk, and you realise some of your friends are drinking buddies rather than people you really enjoy spending time with sober. So you have to build a new life in some ways. In addition getting sober doesn’t solve everything, you might have mental health issues, or other stresses in your life that still need work. So it’s not a fix for everything but it’s certainty going to help not make those things worse!
Welcome. How are you feeling today?