First hour in! Who’s with me?

Urgh!! Quitting alcohol is so hard!! I’m a binge drinker and cannot stop. Started getting anger issues with it, anxiety and mood swings so time to stop. Then lashing out at my new boyfriend so now we are on a level where he won’t be with me until I get therapy.

So here I am. Making moves!! :frowning:

Please support me.

I don’t even like alcohol where’s the logic. I’m a socialite who switches after a few hours of drinking



I am a binge drinker too. Also quitting is hard too. But nothing is worse than a hangover. Remembering nothing about last night literally makes me crazy. It can be hard to quit but its worth it. Here my boyfriend left me after 14 years. I feel like i have lost my other half. My dog passed 6 months ago. I dont see any of my friends anymore because they are heavy drinkers. All alone. But I am trying. I relapsed 2 days ago but I hit the road again because there is no other way. Sending my love…


Do you have a plan of action? We can be here to support and cheer you on but you need to put a little effort (sometimes alot) into getting sober.

I found the support i needed by going to AA. First online with my mic and camera off not admitting i have a problem. But i heard stories and related so much to these people i had to admit something had to change. I needed to take action and that started by not drinking that day and the next and finding support in AA and Annie Graces 30 day alcohol experiment. This forum and community is great for support and advice and fellowship too.

So…what are you willing to do?


I desperately want to stop my porn and masturbation addiction. Anyone here wants the same thing?


Yes, quitting an addiction is super hard. I find alcohol to be one of the worst for the reason that it’s done so casually in every area of our lives. When I first decided to stop (so many years ago) I realized that alcohol was literally everywhere.
I do think therapy might be good as a tool to help quit but you should also look into local or online meetings. This TS Community is also super helpful. You can have all the tools at hand but really you have to acknowledge how serious you are about quitting. It can be a hard journey but oh so worth it.

Sending you support!


Yes! That book is a must have.

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Hey @CadoFerrer27 i dont have experience with that but there are people sharing similar struggles on this thread


Good luck and stay in touch I’m on day one. It’s just not worth it we can do this !!!

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Annie Graces? What’s that. I live in Surrey where can I attend AA? I can also do online stuff I really don’t mind

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Yes firstly your porn addiction!! Be careful with that I was posted illegally on a site from an ex and it has ruined my life so msg e think about who you are watching as the entire porn game is running through girls are are addicted, sex slaves, drug addicts and illegal content so maybe think about that next time you go on and look. It really has ruined my happiness

Plz send me any kind of links to help me please. I get angry when drinking and destroy everything around me :confused: anything in Surrey ?


Ok I have downloaded Annie audio my mind listening now

Hello Sarah

I am not familiar with support in Surrey but on a quick googlecsearch found this link…could be helpful…

Have you looked into meetings in your area or online?

Also - check out this message - great links to alcohol support.

Wishing you the best in your journey :heart:

Edit- also, im current reading book "quit like a woman "… im finding it super helpful. Taking me some time to read as each page is filled with so much insight im finding myself re reading pages to soak in the entire message.


30 day alcohol experiment


I am also a binge drinker.

I get emotional and anti social. I’m trying real hard now not to drink.

Good luck you can do it.


I am with you. And even if you moved only a little bit, that is something great. Keep moving forward


Welcome to the forum. What steps are you taking to ensure you continue forward and not back when you’re out with friends?


First 3 hours in :raising_hand_woman:t3:.
Anyone on here is making moves. :muscle:
That’s BRAVE! Congrats all.
I’m in the baby phase stage but happy to be here. None is us are alone and that so cool
In a supportive sense.
We can do it :trophy:


I’ve implemented rest! Letting myself relax and take the time I need to heal which includes separation from people who use. Long bike rides with my kids, lots of puppy walking, pool swims, and new work hobbies that don’t trigger me. Building new life, people and habits as I let myself feel the desires of wanting to use BUT then my plan on a consistent basis is to transfer that desire to positive highs.


Thanks so much ill take a look!

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