First hour of the first day

438 days!! Wow! One day at a time does make it easier. Yesterday I decided not to care about what happens tomorrow AT ALL; all I can do is take care of this hour that I’m in. I’m learning that from the community here. Thank you so much for sharing your experience with me! :blossom::pray::purple_heart:


Hey and well done for starting your sober journey i think best early advice like others have said is one day at a time or hour or minute and when u put your head on your pillow at night sober thats a small win evetytime, dont think about future thats what i did on failed attempts ive learnt what will happen will happen you can only control what you can. Good luck stay strong ADAAT :muscle:


Hello @Soli :people_hugging:

Great decision! I dont know anyone who regretted getting sober…id like to offer my support also…as others have said these first few days are hard which is why we advocate a day at a time, a minute or a second if necessary…we here have all been where you are now so if we can do it then you totally can…the secret is having a bunch of people who understand your plight that can support you through…we are so much stronger together so keep posting as you have been because now you have us you do not have to do this alone. You are just as deserving of a better sober life as anyone else so when that horrible ‘why should i bother’ voice comes you tell it to go do one because you know its talking bull!!

Rise up friend, lets make you a success story!
You are so very welcome here :people_hugging: :heart:


Hi! Thank you so much for your support. I love hearing everyone’s stories. It helps immensely. When I first installed this app, I had no idea how effective the community here would be. I wish I’d done it sooner, I’ve had so many first days, not so many 24-hours, but moments of resolve that would pass after a couple hours.
Thank you again, it means a lot to know how many people have successfully done this. :blossom::pray::purple_heart:


Well done. Hang with us again today. ODAAT. :muscle:


Thank you very much for your support, it means a lot! The next time I feel like giving in and stop caring about getting better, I’ll tell myself that I’ll do it for all the people here, if I can’t do it for myself. Thank you :blossom::blossom::purple_heart::pray:


I will, you’re all amazing people!


What a beautiful thread. :heart: One moment at a time was so helpful to me. As was sleeping as much as I could. Living on here and interacting. Long hot baths. Walks. Bicycling. Screaming. I know meetings are extremely helpful for others.

Keep reaching out, someone is always here. Reading, sharing, listening. You are not alone. :heart:


Your welcome… we can hold you up if you struggle to do it yourself…as Sassy says theres always someone here…i couldnt have got to where i am without these kind folks here :people_hugging:


Try to seek connection and stay connected with people that are good and healthy for your recovery.


Screaming sounds like a delightful activity right about now. I’m 53 hours in and for a moment there I thought I should just quit, but I came here instead. Thinking about all of you, having done this already… I’ll do it for a couple more hours. And then maybe a few more after that. And then I keep doing it for a few more hours. Thanks for your comment, it means a lot.
If I can get through this somehow, by some miracle, I’ll stay here indefinitely to help other people, justl like all of you are helping me right now.
Thanks again :pray::pray::heart:


Thanks so much for the ongoing support! It means a lot! :pray::pray::heart:


You can do it!! I remember literally gritting my teeth at the beginning!! I cried out loud, screamed into pillows but it was all worth it…ride through those emotions…you can get through this and please know that it does get easier just hang in there!! :people_hugging:


I will! :blossom::heart:


If reading others stories helps you then im happy to share mine with you…i wrote it last summer at my 1 year of sobriety…i must warn you though its quite graffic but if it helps im happy…


It helps immensely! Thank you so much!! :pray::heart::blossom::blossom:


Sometimes minute by minute is we can do and that is okay. Glad you came here!!! Hope you are still hanging in!!! I was put hiking or would have responded sooner.


Thank you for taking the time to reply. I am still hanging in there. I can’t wait for this to be over. I have so much respect for everyone here who’ve managed to do this. I really hope it gets easier. It’s my biggest wish right now. I can’t think of anything else…


Your doing really well. It does get easier hang in there :hugs:


It does get easier, and that takes some time. Stick with it, seriously. You won’t regret it.