So I am 9 days sober…after the first 4 days I started feeling good…confident … I think staying sober is very possible for me…what worries me is my best friend’s birthday is at a pub this coming Saturday… I absolutely need to be there…any advice on how to not give in to temptation???.. There will be alot of new people to meet…alcohol emproves my confidence… Any advice???
Yes, don’t go! You’re friend will have many more birthdays. I understand the feeling of “HAVING” to be there, but I know for me I HAVE TO do whatever it takes to not drink, if I every want to have a good life. You only have 9 days, that confidence you feel is great but it will trick you into thinking you’ve got this disease licked. Don’t let that fool you. On the flip side, if you absolutely must go, have an exit plan. Drive your own car and if you feel the slightest urge, leave. Have a list of friends phone numbers that understand you are trying to stay sober, that you can call for support if things go south. Just don’t drink! The choice is yours though. Stay strong my friend, stay sober, stay connected! It’s so worth it and so are you!
Don’t go… Slippery places led to active addiction… Do something with your friend alone if this person is truly a friend they will know you shouldn’t be there… especially so newly sober…
Have to agree…
Don’t go, if their really your friend they’ll understand…if not they’ll get over it.
If your serious about your sobriety then your friends should be too…
Just my two cents…
Stay strong!
If u insist on going , ask your doctor for Antabuse & if u drink then you will get horribly sick & can die. Other then that it has no side effects.
Thank you all so much…so nice to o be able to ask fo advice… The verdict is …I’m not going, …I do take my new journey way to seriously… The thought of having a slip makes me feel so sad and horrible…its just not worth it!!! Thank you all i feel happy with my decision !!!