First sober vacations

Hi @TMAC my friend already know that Im not drinking, she support me a lot and states that she is ok with not going out late, she already make plans for us to do different activities and tours away from alcohol… Im feel confident, but I need to keep in my mind all the horrible things that happen when I drink. Thanks a lot!


Im feeling stronger with all your words and advices, I start enojoying my sober life…
I know that is difficult for us at the beggining separate the fun from the alcohol… And believe me, here in México the people drink for everything, if a child born, if your team is playing, if they winn, if they loose, if you dont have anything to do… But my friends and the people around me understand becouse they see me suffer a lot, losing my job, losing relationships, my phone every 3 months… Etc, and those are the things that I need to remember.


Our wonderful soul @SassyRocks has a list she uses to remind her of what not drinking does for her:


Thanks for sharing the link to that post, I hadn’t seen that one before!


Omg… I will keep it in my phone and look it all day long! Thanks for sharing :ok_hand:

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I got a great way to stay sober. TAKE ME WITH YOU! I could use a vacation and there is great fishing there! I couldn’t resist!


@NateRC I saw it to late haha… Im back, It was a nice but also difficult trip! The most of the people dont understand my problem, but Im back and safe, I enjoy it a lot!



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Nooooo…I woke up to the temp being 10 degrees this morning. Oh well. Back to the cold and work. Congrats on staying sober!

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Glad you made it through your vacation to Mexico without drinking. That’s really great. Be proud.

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@NateRC well Im back in to the reallity now too haha and with loooots of work… But that helps me to keep focused.
@Dazercat thanks a lot, it was difficult as everybody was drinking and partying… But I Keep in my mind everything that happens when I drink and it makes me stop and think it twice :grimacing: I definately dont want to wake up in the middle of noware far from home and witha stranger.