First time I’m 5 years

I’ve had this app for a while but tonight is the first time I am really putting in effort to become sober. There has not been a day in the last 5 years where I was not drunk or buzzed. I go to work and take a shot in the parking lot, take my breaks and my car and chug a little carton of wine. I hate who I have become and want to change. Anybody have any advice for quitting cold Turkey? My timer is at zero right now and I just want to get through day one successfully.


Sobriety takes a lot of hard work but it’s definitely worth it.
Here’s a link to a great thread started recently on how those with 2+ years of sobriety gave tips on what worked for them. Have a read and give some of them a try.


Yes. Have an actual plan for when “white knuckles” aren’t enough to get you through the cravings, because there just may come a time when sheer will isn’t enough. It could be coming here, or calling an accountability partner, someone who can talk you through the rough times.