First timer!

I am 23 days sober. I’m facing an aggravated DUI and I’m scared to death! Being in jail for almost 4 days scared me straight. It was horrific. I am so glad I found this app thanks to my sister who has over 3 years of sobriety. I look forward to seeing more sober todays and receiving support from this community! Thank you!


Welcome April.
Congratulations on your 23 days sober.
Have a good read around. Join in when you’re comfortable.
Here are two good threads to start:


Thank you! I will definitely do that!


Glad you’re here, April. You’re 23 days into the rest of your life. A life that’s happy & healthy that’s not filled with hangovers, oh shit I did what’s or the gray bar motel.



Consequences can absolutely be the motivation that propels you into sobriety.

As I continued to build my sobriety from the day I got bailed out for my last DUI, I was able to face the music and serve my sentence. I used Antabuse, individual counseling, AA and the court ordered proof of sobriety (daily and then random breathalyzer tests, some places use an ankle monitor).

On the day of my last arrest, I had a spiritual experience that have me a message. “Everything is gonna be alright and you’ll be able to stop drinking now.”. That had been true for me since that day. No matter what, things are gonna be alright. No matter what, I do not have to take a drink.

Everything is gonna be alright. Get that in your bones, in your soul, because it’s true!


My first and last arrest. I drove when I shouldn’t of and now I will do what I have to do to make this right for myself and my children. I have been sober in the past for many years but this time was a reality check and it’s time to stop for good and get better. I’m willing to do what ever the courts tell me and hopefully I’ll be able to to get my children back. I’m lost without them but I am without them because of my poor decisions. Thank you for your kind words and advice. Today is a new day and I’m feeling pretty good, just miss my kiddos!


Glad you’re here. Welcome.ODAAT.

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Welcome! We are glad you are here. This is a good (and safe) place to hang out.

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