First weekend

This is my first weekend without drinking. I don’t know whay to do with myself. I’ve cleaned the house, did all the laundry, bathed the dog and more. I don’t know what to do with myself. I really want to go out (ive been stuck inside all day) but I don’t know what to do. Any suggestions?


Can you go for a walk or exercise in general? Do you have any sober friends that you can go to get coffee or ice cream? Maybe go to the mall and just get out with friends. Keep your mind busy and deal with those feelings. It’s going to be difficult here at first but just do anything that keeps your mind busy. Heck sort through your closets lol

@Chad_R none of my friends are sober so its very hard to hang out with them. I think I might go to the mall or go for a walk. I really need to pick up a hobby.

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We all had to I think our hobby was drinking or using. Some might have had hobbies but they revolved around alcohol. And I stay away from my friends that are drinking at this time still (87 days). For me I walk in nature a lot!!! Reading is good for me also I force myself to read not glance and that helps. Just anything! Do you go to meetings?

Welcome @Dani_K! The weekends can be difficult especially in the beginning. Here are some things that helped me:
Surviving Alcohol Withdrawal/Early Sobriety Techniques

Stay strong! We are here to help. You can do this!


Ugh, yes! My first weekend as well. I plan to start a new Netflix series, fold laundry, and make a grocery list for the week. Super exciting! :wink:It feels so weird to not be drinking. I’m glad you posted - you aren’t alone! We will get through this day without drinking!

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Go see a movie, or two!
I like to go to the matinee on weekends, it helps me get over the late afternoon “happy hour cravings.”


Last night it felt so weird but so great. My fiance and I would always go out on Saturday night. Then he would have to help me with every step I took. But last night we went out for dinner and went home and watched a movie. It’s 6:30 am right now, and I think I might go for a run. Normally I’m so hungover and hating life right now. I feel great!


I use to hike a lot…but right now there is still snow on the ground but it’s starting to get nice out. So soon I can start. :slight_smile:I started looking for meeting in my area.

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Hey @Dani_K have you decided what to have for your dinner tonight? Maybe when you’re out you could pick up the yummy ingredients you need and cook an extra special meal for yourself :purple_heart:

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Create a sobriety journal…it’s creative, keeps your mind and hands busy, keeps you focused on sobriety.
*favorites quotes and inspiration
*a bucketlist for sobriety
*reasons why you want to be sober
*reasons why you shouldn’t drink/use
*things you used to enjoy (do them again)
*A goodbye letter to your abusive ex (alcohol)
*alcohol love letter to the new, sober you
*keep making new lists through out your journey

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My fiance and I split and Italian panini and shepherds pie. It was delicious !!!:blush:

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Yum! That sounds lovely. How are you feeling today? :purple_heart:

Glad some pros stepped in and gave some advice. Great to see you made it to another morning waking up with a clear mind. Things will get easier just be mindful of your thoughts. That addiction knows how to talk us into it so well. Proud of you. And for me meetings are a huge help! I attend 3 a week.

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Honestly not so good, this morning I got a call from one of my staff members that a dog passed away. So I had to go into work and call the owners and carry the pets bodied to the vet. It killed me…i hate when this happens. I’m so sad.:cry:


Hey, Dani! -

This was also a tough first weekend for me. I’m over 24 hours sober though. I find that chores while listening to audio books helps me. I recommend an audible membership. I’ve listened to everything from self improvement books, memoirs, novels. It’s become a new healthy addition.

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Walking around the mall is a great idea! I’ve started up an old hobby (got my big aquarium going again) that takes a lot of time and attention. I’m also planning a minor bathroom remodel, and I’m taking the time to pick out the perfect paint, fixtures, etc. Can you find a hobby that takes up as much time as you want? If you get a project going, and dedicate yourself to doing it right, it’s so rewarding! (In the past I would start a project, but if the time required to finish it interfered with going out, I’d either half-ass it or quit. Then I’d feel guilty about it, and it would start a viscous circle of regret.) I’m a foodie and love going out, so I’m also planning some great restaurant adventures. In the past I’d never commit to a restaurant adventure involving multiple courses over several hours, because I wouldn’t sacrifice 3 hours of party time for the experience. Are the any good plays or musicals near you? Sounds cliche, but dinner and a show can suck up an entire Saturday night and you’ll have do much fun you won’t miss partying. Good luck, and stay strong!

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Oh @Dani_K I’m sorry to hear that about your day! That is tough for sure!!
I hope you’ve managed to hold strong and made it through your first weekend of sobriety. :purple_heart:
And I hope tomorrow’s a better day for you :heart: