First Year Sober

I will hit 1 year in about twelve hours. I will celebrate later this evening, but first there is a day to be smashed:

-work my job
-go to Krav

Then, only when the work is done, will I mark this day with a meatball pizza with extra cheese, and some coffee/heath bar icecream from Cold Stone. I’ll be thinking of my sober friends here, especially my sober little sister @Benedictine.

Keep getting better at getting better! It’s not just about saying “no” to one drink, the first drink, the drink that matters. It’s about deciding to be better, and then being better!


Hope I be the first to say: wow! Congratulations @Yoda-Stevie and @Benedictine !


:joy::rofl: Not fast enough :sunglasses:


I misread as “this is a day to get smashed”, then went to double check the username in confusion. :joy:

In all seriousness, congratulations! You’ve been dedicated to working your program and it is paying off! I appreciate your frequent insight and wisdom in the threads, and the asset you are to this forum in general as a person.

Is there a song that will be playing as you bite into your meatball pizza?


I will have to give this some thought.


Congrata! Inspirational

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All the best with the day my friend. Enjoy the achievement!:smiley:

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Congratulations! you should be proud. We are all very lucky to have you here, your words help me every day🤗

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Damn man, time seems to fly by! Congrats brother!

This gave me a great big smile. It makes me so happy. @Yoda-Stevie - your strength and wisdom is so inspiring to me, not just about your sobriety, but in your discipline for exercise and training and your focus on getting better everyday. For me, my sobriety journey is a piece of my personal puzzle to get better.

I’m completely earnest when I say that I think about the things you write here through the day. Here’s a song that reminded me of you!


Way to go buddy! For the 70 some days that I’ve been here, you’ve been a shining example of self discipline and reason, and for that I thank you!


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Congratulations @Yoda-Stevie and @Benedictine!! Truly amazing!! :heart:️:tada:

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Congratulations to your 1 year @Yoda-Stevie and @Benedictine! You two are such lovely souls, you both inspire and motivate us to be better people. And you do it with love in your hearts. Thanks for sharing your journey with us!

What are your favorite change in this past year?


Congratulations to both of you, you’re my inspiration :heart:
Get better at getting better, each and every day, DAMN YES :kissing_closed_eyes::heart::pray:


Way to go. Rock on😀

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Amazing!!! Enjoy your celebration ,it sounds delicious

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My favorite part? Actually looking forward to the day, rather than my first thoughts being regret, followed by trepidation as to whether or not I will repeat yesterday’s mistakes.

Now, 0400 and I am ready to go. Make that bed, say a prayer, stand up and answer the bell. Hands up, chin tucked, ready to get after it. Ready to get better at getting better.


Well done Master Yoda!

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Congratulations Yoda-Stevie!! Know that there are many newbies, including myself, who scour this site daily, hour by hour, drawing upon your wisdom and advanced fieldwork on this battlefield of sobriety. I wouldn’t still be here for it not the warm welcome and camaraderie that you and so many others gave me. Day 5 starts for me now…


Congratilations buddy!!! Thats awesome. Glad you’re a part of this forum. Always inspiring.