First Year Sober

Thanks to all the beautiful souls here, my sober brothers and sisters. We have decided to be better, and we are better.

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You may. My eyes were bigger than my stomach. Grab a slice. Meatball pizza. Mother’s milk to this Boston boy.

That’s it, in a nut shell. Whether it’s turning one’s will and life over to the care of a higher power, committing to a smart program, or establishing a sobriety accountability relationship, those who make this milestone have taken specific, painful, growing, mature, responsible, beautiful, strong steps to get here. Decide it then do it. Blessed may your house be, @Yoda-Stevie, @Benedictine. :pray:


So very happy for you! Love following your journey!

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Get your local pizza joint to start making it, or better yet, make it yourself. Be even more of a trendsetter in Finland than you already are. Meatball pizza will be legendary.

What an inspiration you are, my sister in age! One year sober looks beautiful on you. Congratulations to you and @Yoda-Stevie.:heart:

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Congratulations, @Yoda-Stevie! You’re always an inspiration to me. Enjoy your pizza and happy one year sober! :pizza: :heart:

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Thanks for being awesome, @Yoda-Stevie and @Benedictine. And congrats on a year of getting better!


What a great achievement Yoda-Stevie I hope you always have 363 more sober days than me.


Congratulations wise man! I love your insight and advice. There is no doubt so many people gain from your posts. Thank you for being you. Much love.


Just a follow up. How was it? How are you today?

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It was nice. Today is a good day, like most days. Krav Maga this morning, put a desk together for my daughter’s room, enjoyed a nice dinner to celebrate my FiL’s 75th, and now we are going to the festival of lights to get some Christmas Cheer. How’s your journey these days?

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Sounds like a life filled with positivity at the moment, congratulations! My journey is exciting. Recently unhitched the baggage trailer by seeing a therapist regularly. I feel motivated and curious about addiction.

I do a lot of mindfulness meditation and practice living in the moment. this holiday season is full of joy

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Just keep getting better at getting better each and every day!

Good job. Keep it up.

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